Status Update
Comments <> #2
Hi Ed, Thank you so much for these suggestions. I've been reviewing them and merging them in. Hopefully it should be live. I've included a thank you note too in the article. <> #3
Great! Thanks a lot, I'll look for the live updates soon! <> #4
(Sidenote: even if the comments were not part of that regex, the $ sign is in the middle of the text and matches end of string, so anything afterwards will fail the match.) <> #5
Filip, can you please take a look? <> #6
Thanks for the detailed examples and repro steps. This was due to the matcher od "dontwarn" being to relaxed and consuming also new lines and comments.
Pending cl with fix is here:
The fix will be available once we release new jetifier which should be in few weeks at most. Sorry for troubles.
Pending cl with fix is here:
The fix will be available once we release new jetifier which should be in few weeks at most. Sorry for troubles. <> #7
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit 0ca83fae309187d476d8e5baa59d7e0f33c6f8d8
Author: Filip Pavlis <>
Date: Fri Oct 25 16:34:14 2019
Fix proguard regular expression.
The matcher in dontwarn was too hungry and was also matching new
lines and comments.
Also make sure we don' match comments in ProGuardClassSpecParser.
Test: Added
Bug: b/134100420
Change-Id: I77cf40dd880b5bee9a30dad82c82dc1fa5a71aa9
M jetifier/jetifier/processor/src/main/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/processor/transform/proguard/ProGuardClassFilterParser.kt
M jetifier/jetifier/processor/src/main/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/processor/transform/proguard/ProGuardClassSpecParser.kt
M jetifier/jetifier/processor/src/main/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/processor/transform/proguard/patterns/PatternHelper.kt
M jetifier/jetifier/processor/src/test/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/processor/transform/proguard/ClassFilterTest.kt
M jetifier/jetifier/processor/src/test/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/processor/transform/proguard/ProguardSamplesTest.kt
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit 0ca83fae309187d476d8e5baa59d7e0f33c6f8d8
Author: Filip Pavlis <>
Date: Fri Oct 25 16:34:14 2019
Fix proguard regular expression.
The matcher in dontwarn was too hungry and was also matching new
lines and comments.
Also make sure we don' match comments in ProGuardClassSpecParser.
Test: Added
Change-Id: I77cf40dd880b5bee9a30dad82c82dc1fa5a71aa9
M jetifier/jetifier/processor/src/main/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/processor/transform/proguard/ProGuardClassFilterParser.kt
M jetifier/jetifier/processor/src/main/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/processor/transform/proguard/ProGuardClassSpecParser.kt
M jetifier/jetifier/processor/src/main/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/processor/transform/proguard/patterns/PatternHelper.kt
M jetifier/jetifier/processor/src/test/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/processor/transform/proguard/ClassFilterTest.kt
M jetifier/jetifier/processor/src/test/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/processor/transform/proguard/ProguardSamplesTest.kt <> #8
Jetifier 1.0.0-beta08 was released and has a fix for this.
To avoid waiting for new Android Studio you can workaround this in the meantime by forcing usage of a new version of jetifier in gradle:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath '' // <- Add this
To avoid waiting for new Android Studio you can workaround this in the meantime by forcing usage of a new version of jetifier in gradle:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath '' // <- Add this
} <> #9
Thanks pa..., it's really nice to receive updates and useful details (root cause, CL, workaround) about the issue. I wish everyone was like this!
Java version "1.8.0_121"
Jetifier version: 1.0.0-beta04
Let there be a Library Foo with the following 'proguard-rules.txt' file:
# DBFlow
-keep class * extends { *; }
# Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '$GlobalDatabaseHolder { FlowManager$GlobalDatabaseHolder($1); }', but not the descriptor class '$1'
-keep class$*
When trying to jetify this library:
./jetifier-standalone -i /Users/someuser/Downloads/foo/foo.aar -o newfoo.aar
The Jetifier fails with the following output:
Exception in thread "main" java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Illegal repetition near index 147
# Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'com/raizlabs/android/dbflow/config/FlowManager$GlobalDatabaseHolder { FlowManager$GlobalDatabaseHolder(com/raizlabs/android/dbflow/config/FlowManager$1); }'
at java.util.regex.Pattern.error(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.closure(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.sequence(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.expr(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.<init>(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(
If i remove the notes, the new 'proguard-rules.txt' looks like this:
# DBFlow
-keep class * extends { *; }
-keep class$*
And this runs through the jetifier just fine. Please provide a fix for this issue, since i have to patch my dependencies currently in order to make AndroidX work for me.