Status Update
Comments <> <> #2 <> #3
> We accept pull requests! :)
Is there a public repo somewhere? I don't see any obvious repo for it in , and it doesn't seem to be inside .
Room supports final fields (yay!), which probably will suffice for many people with respect to this feature request.
Is there a public repo somewhere? I don't see any obvious repo for it in
Room supports final fields (yay!), which probably will suffice for many people with respect to this feature request. <> #4
Room supports immutability (it can use arg constructors) but does not directly support AutoValue. It is in the schedule but not high priority :/. Idk much about its internals at this stage so I'm not sure how we would implement it but should be totally doable.
Sorry we don't have the source release yet :/.
Sorry we don't have the source release yet :/. <> #5
"It is in the schedule but not high priority" -- completely understandable.
"Sorry we don't have the source release yet :/." -- ah, OK, I thought perhaps with the pull request comment, that meant that there was a repo somewhere that I had overlooked.
"Sorry we don't have the source release yet :/." -- ah, OK, I thought perhaps with the pull request comment, that meant that there was a repo somewhere that I had overlooked.
Version used: 1.0.0-alpha06
After updating the safe-args plugin from alpha05 to alpha06, my build fails with the following stacktrace:
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':app:generateSafeArgsDebug'
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Destination with actions must have name
at androidx.navigation.safeargs.gradle.ArgumentsGenerationTask.generateArgs(ArgumentsGenerationTask.kt:54)
at androidx.navigation.safeargs.gradle.ArgumentsGenerationTask.doFullTaskAction(ArgumentsGenerationTask.kt:90)
at androidx.navigation.safeargs.gradle.ArgumentsGenerationTask.taskAction$navigation_safe_args_gradle_plugin(ArgumentsGenerationTask.kt:79)
Reverting to alpha05 makes the build complete.
I think this is related to the commit addressing this issue:
My navigation graph has this structure:
<action />
<argument />
<include app:graph="@navigation/nav_graph_two" />
<action />
That is, there are global actions, fragment destinations with arguments, fragment destinations with actions and an included nested graph (in a separate xml). Every single destination has a valid name and every root <navigation> has an id (everything works with version alpha05 of the plugin). I might guess this is related with global actions, which expect the parent destination to have a name that is not resolved with the alpha06 update. In fact, commenting out all the global actions makes the generateSafeArgsDebug task pass. My graphs have ids in the form "@+id/nav_graph_one".