Status Update
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #2 <>
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #3
> We accept pull requests! :)
Is there a public repo somewhere? I don't see any obvious repo for it in , and it doesn't seem to be inside .
Room supports final fields (yay!), which probably will suffice for many people with respect to this feature request.
Is there a public repo somewhere? I don't see any obvious repo for it in
Room supports final fields (yay!), which probably will suffice for many people with respect to this feature request. <> #4
Room supports immutability (it can use arg constructors) but does not directly support AutoValue. It is in the schedule but not high priority :/. Idk much about its internals at this stage so I'm not sure how we would implement it but should be totally doable.
Sorry we don't have the source release yet :/.
Sorry we don't have the source release yet :/.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #5
"It is in the schedule but not high priority" -- completely understandable.
"Sorry we don't have the source release yet :/." -- ah, OK, I thought perhaps with the pull request comment, that meant that there was a repo somewhere that I had overlooked.
"Sorry we don't have the source release yet :/." -- ah, OK, I thought perhaps with the pull request comment, that meant that there was a repo somewhere that I had overlooked.
Thanks! <> #6
Add autovalue support also means you can easily achieve parcelable by . Please consider support this.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #7
AutoValue is really a handy way to ensure data integrity. <> #8
Please add AutoValue support. AutoValue is a Google library with really good benefits such as toString() , hashCode() , AutoValue.Builder , checks at creation time if @NonNull values are null, etc. <> #9
FWIW, issue 64206877 is not publicly accessible. <> #10
@Yigit: That appears to be a private ticket. Any way we can have access to keep up with it? <> #11
Have any updates? <> #12
news? <> #13
Is there any update? This is huge for app that absolutely enforces immutable entities. <> #14
SqlDelight has out of the box support for AutoValue. Use it with SqlBrite and you've got *pretty good* parity with Room. With the lack of movement on this ticket, I'd suggest at least taking a look at those if AutoValue is important to you.
This approach only seem to work on actions originating from the graph's start destination, and fails on actions between any other destinations. I created a sample project which reproduces the issue:
Here is the project's README detailing the issue:
# Bug in Android Navigation Component (alpha06)
(Note: I have only verified this in alpha06, I don't know if it exists in
previous versions)
## The problem
Basically the problem is that the NavOption "clearTask" was removed in
alpha02, and the recommended substitute was to use app:popUpTo pointing to
the root of the graph/the graph ID, together with app:popUpToInclusive="true".
However, this method does not work. It only seems to work for actions
going from the graph's start destination. If we have the following graph:
x y
A ---> B ---> C
Where A, B, and C are fragments, A is the start destination of the grapg,
and x, y are actions going from A to B and B to C respectively. Let's say
the graph's ID is "@+id/graph"
Then, if both actions x and y have
Then when navigating from A to B through x, and then hitting the back button
will exit the app (as expected). But if navigating from A to B to C through
x and y, and then hitting the back button we will navigate back to B — this
is not what was expected. The expected behavior with this graph is to always
exit the app when clicking the back button
## Environment
This was verified using:
Android Studio 3.2 RC 3
Build #AI-181.5540.7.32.4987877, built on August 31, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1136-b06 x86_64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
macOS 10.13.6