Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
Hi. Thanks for reporting this. Fixed in alpha-04 <> #3
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit e782987543a9f8ccd485e970ddc74564b24378db
Author: Vighnesh Raut <>
Date: Mon Jan 02 15:27:40 2023
fix: tab row crashes when only 1 tab is added
Bug: b/264018028
Test: Added unit test
Change-Id: I6381dbac304fc1d69d3708c6655f8b595668e93f
M tv/tv-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/tv/material/TabRowTest.kt
M tv/tv-material/src/main/java/androidx/tv/material/TabRow.kt
Branch: androidx-main
commit e782987543a9f8ccd485e970ddc74564b24378db
Author: Vighnesh Raut <>
Date: Mon Jan 02 15:27:40 2023
fix: tab row crashes when only 1 tab is added
Test: Added unit test
Change-Id: I6381dbac304fc1d69d3708c6655f8b595668e93f
M tv/tv-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/tv/material/TabRowTest.kt
M tv/tv-material/src/main/java/androidx/tv/material/TabRow.kt
Version used: 1.0.0-alpha07
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Android 8.1
This is a feature request.
In my Nav drawer I have a Settings item. Currently, using the Nav Architecture component, clicking this causes the current back stack to be popped up to (not including) the start destination, and then the Settings fragment is added on top of that. I would like to be able to customise this so that the pop does not occur - i.e. that the Settings fragment is simply placed on top of the current destination. Anyway, isn't this what the user would expect for a Settings screen?
The key method call seems to be on the second line of NavigationUI.setupWithNavController() where popUp = false is passed. Maybe whether to popUp or not could be specified in the nav_graph destination?