Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for the report - do you have any reproduction steps? <> #3
Nevermind, this has been fixed and will be available in an upcoming release. <> #4
An unfortunate side effect of this seems to be that the adapter is set to null before any pending fragment animations are completed.
In my project I add a PreferenceFragmentCompat to the backstack, specifying custom enter and exit animations. Now, when the user presses the back button I call FragmentManager.popBackStack() which in turn starts the custom exit animation.
The problem is that popBackstack() internally calls onDestroyView() on the PreferenceFragmentCompat to be removed. The PreferenceFragmentCompat calls unbindPreferences() which calls getListView().setAdapter(null).
The effect is that the list of preference items is cleared instantly before the exit animation even starts! This causes a white flicker and is clearly noticeable, the preference items disappear, then the view fades out.
Could you prevent setAdapter(null) from being called in this scenario? Maybe unregister the data observer instead?
In my project I add a PreferenceFragmentCompat to the backstack, specifying custom enter and exit animations. Now, when the user presses the back button I call FragmentManager.popBackStack() which in turn starts the custom exit animation.
The problem is that popBackstack() internally calls onDestroyView() on the PreferenceFragmentCompat to be removed. The PreferenceFragmentCompat calls unbindPreferences() which calls getListView().setAdapter(null).
The effect is that the list of preference items is cleared instantly before the exit animation even starts! This causes a white flicker and is clearly noticeable, the preference items disappear, then the view fades out.
Could you prevent setAdapter(null) from being called in this scenario? Maybe unregister the data observer instead? <> #5
Since the
Please file a bug against Fragments the with a sample project that reproduces this issue and we will be happy to take a look at what's going on. <> #6
I can confirm that using fragment 1.2.2 resolves the issue, thank you!
Without an explicit dependency declaration version 1.1.0 was still used (transient dependency of appcompat 1.1.0).
Without an explicit dependency declaration version 1.1.0 was still used (transient dependency of appcompat 1.1.0).
PreferenceFragmentCompat sets this adapter (PreferenceGroupAdapter), which implicitly registers an observer. PreferenceFragmentCompat never sets the adapter to null when the view is destroyed, so the observer keeps references to the RecyclerView and doesn't get gc'ed.
I've worked around this by explicitly setting the adapter to null in an override of onDestroyView, but since my component doesn't explicitly have ownership of the list handling, I'd argue that PreferenceFragmentCompat should do this cleanup.
It would be solved by setting the RecyclerView adapter to null in the fragment's onDestroyView.
Here's a memory dump.