Status Update
Comments <> #2
Adding 2 more thread dumps from another freeze. Again after switching branches and updating from git. <> #3
Thanks for the report. I believe that this is fixed in our development branch, and also in the branch that will become Ladybug Feature Drop Beta. If you could verify that this doesn't happen in a nightly build (from <> #4
Sorry, I have not tried it on the nightly build, but since then I updated to Meerkat and I have not seen the freeze afterwards.
Emulator Version (Emulator--> Extended Controls--> Emulator Version):
20.1.10-5360736 Android 9
HAXM / KVM Version:
Android SDK Tools:
Host Operating System:
CPU Manufacturer: [Intel / AMD / Other]
Steps to Reproduce Bug:
1. Open Android TV emulator
2. Notice it has some useless buttons that don't do anything such as rotating the screen. Try to press them.
Expected Behavior:
They shouldn't exist.
Observed Behavior:
They exist.
On one case, I somehow got the button of "fold horizontally", and when I clicked on it, it made the window hide itself completely. I had to force stop it from the emulators list window in order to open it again... For some reason I don't see the button anymore (was on the left of the window)