Status Update
Comments <> #2
would you try to boot emulator with this command line flag:
-feature -Vulkan
and let us know if it fixes the issue for you? Also would you tell us what graphics card you are using and what is the graphics driver version?
would you try to boot emulator with this command line flag:
-feature -Vulkan
and let us know if it fixes the issue for you? Also would you tell us what graphics card you are using and what is the graphics driver version? <> #3
The feature flag did solve the issue for me. Thank you very much. I don't use a dedicated graphics card. Only the internal one from the CPU. <> #4
Your integrated GPU is supposed to support Vulkan 1.2. I would need more work to figure out why it crashes without that flag.
Emulator Version (Emulator--> Extended Controls--> Emulator Version):
20.1.10-5360736 Android 9
HAXM / KVM Version:
Android SDK Tools:
Host Operating System:
CPU Manufacturer: [Intel / AMD / Other]
Steps to Reproduce Bug:
1. Open Android TV emulator
2. Notice it has some useless buttons that don't do anything such as rotating the screen. Try to press them.
Expected Behavior:
They shouldn't exist.
Observed Behavior:
They exist.
On one case, I somehow got the button of "fold horizontally", and when I clicked on it, it made the window hide itself completely. I had to force stop it from the emulators list window in order to open it again... For some reason I don't see the button anymore (was on the left of the window)