Status Update
Comments <> #2
These changes would be really nice! Being able to change the text colour is really important as it now doesn't match the rest of our app either.
Stack overflow posting -
Stack overflow posting -
Android Studio Version: 3.3.2
Emulator Version (Emulator--> Extended Controls--> Emulator Version): 28.0.23-5264690
HAXM / KVM Version: WHPX 10.0.17134
Android SDK Tools: 26.1.1
Host Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
CPU Manufacturer: AMD CPU
Inside a VM
64-bit CPU
Steps to Reproduce Bug:
1. Enable "emulator always on top"
2. Close the extended controls menu
3. Rotate emulate left or right
Expected Behavior:
Extended controls menu does not reappear when emulator is rotated
Observed Behavior:
Extended controls menu reappears every time the emulator is rotated