Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for this feedback. The team may reach out for more information on triaging or reproducing this issue. <> <> #3
I have tried the example project you've provided, it does not reproduce.
Could you please try running with -Pandroid.useDexArchive=false? This disables the new dexing pipeline, and fallbacks to the old one.
Could you please try running with -Pandroid.useDexArchive=false? This disables the new dexing pipeline, and fallbacks to the old one. <> #4
@Mario Did you get a chance to try the build with -Pandroid.useDexArchive=false flag? <> <> #5
I'm the college of @Mario and I make it work without issues and without using -Pandroid.useDexArchive=false by using alpha6 and removing retrolambda
I was trying to report an emulator bug encountered while trying to report a DB Inspector bug, instead I'm reporting a bug about submitting emulator bugs. Kinda sucks, really.
Emulator version 30.0.10-6421526
Click on "Send Feedback" in Help|Emulator Help. As a regular non-Google user I am not allowed to directly create bugs in the "Emulator" bug tracker component.