Status Update
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #2 <> #3
CC: <> #4 <> #5
Please check your inboxes after a few minutes. I'll send a separate email to each one so we can discuss your concern privately.
Kevin Soriano, Analytics API Team <> #6 <> #7
Solution ?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #8 <> #9
I'll check with our team if they have any further insights on this slow response time. I'll update this thread once I have more information or reach out to everyone if we need more information.
Kevin Soriano, Analytics API Team
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #10
Same issue here. In the past few days we have seen average latency drops from 500ms to a full minute (still talking average).
Could you please get in touch with us as well? This is a showstopper for our entire company. and
Appreciate your help, Kevin! <> #11 <> #12 <> #13
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #14
Issue is still here. And the situation looks critical, we have lots of complaints from our clients. And there is not any progress.
Could you help us somehow? <> #15
We started facing the same issue around the same time - December 21st, December 22nd. Some responses from reporting API v3 are quick, up to a second or two, and some requests take 4 or even 8 minutes to respond! We have carefully checked all of the quotas, we also have implemented a quotaUser param, and exponential back-off, but it's not even trying to back off the requests or anything, it seems Google itself is throttling the request. The context for the request are very simple indeed (i've hidden the externad_id and quotaUser parameters):
dimensions ga:pageTitle
external_id xxxxxxxxx
fetch data
from 2020-11-29
metrics ga:sessions,ga:pageviews,ga:users
quotaUser xxxxxxxxx
sort -ga:sessions
till 2020-12-28
The response for this request took 8 minutes! And it does so randomly, sometimes it responds in a second, then 4 minutes, then 8, then a second again, then 8 minutes again - for the same request.
And it actually shows in the API console, that some requests take a second or two, and some randomly take 8 minutes to respond, and we can actually see from the average latency that it is rising to extremely high levels.
This affects all of our users, so Kevin could you please take a look at our case and contact me with an explanation or a solution?
Thank you! <> #16
I can confirm that there is indeed a system wide issue since December 21st. Rest assured that our team is aware of the issue and is still actively working on a fix for this. I'll update this thread as soon as we have more information.
Kevin Soriano, Analytics API Team <> #17
One question though, do you have a possible ETA on this? We're thinking of whether we should figure out some additional caching or some other workaround until you fix this issue. Are we talking hours, days, weeks as an ETA?
Our users can't really use our application at the moment. <> #18 <> #19
I'm unable to provide an ETA at the moment. I'll try to check if I can get one.
Kevin Soriano, Analytics API Team <> #20
I'm afraid that there's no allowlist available to work around this issue. Also, it's still unclear on when this would be fixed, but this is definitely a priority for our team.
Kevin Soriano, Analytics API Team <> #21 <> #22
I'm having the same issue for a week now, but managed to make the impact smaller:
My temporary solution when getting rate limit/quota errors (because it takes ~24h to recover from it): I created another Google API project via the developer console with it's own set of API keys, but the same apps/permissions/auth screen. My code now switches between the two projects based on which one is (not) generating errors. Not ideal, but since I'm heavily using the Realtime API, at least the gaps in my data will be significantly less now.
Another thing you could try is switching between servers (IPs) that are sending the API requests to Google Analytics. The errors seem to be bound to the IP (for example, if your request is failing, the exact same query will work just fine when you try it out via the API Explorer page on the official Google developer website...)
- Jordi <> #23
Any progress here? Our service is based on Google Analytics API and it is not working properly for last week. Our clients are outraged. We are loosing them.
It's ridiculous that a team of Google professionals can't solve such serious API problem. <> #24
Increasing the client libraries timeout from 1 minute to 20 minutes has improved our number of successful requests a little, but we eventually start getting 403s complaining that the “Number of recent failed reporting API requests is too high,”. I’m not seeing these failed requests, I’m not sure if the error message is incorrect or they’re referring to some internal error. Our service is then blocked for the rest of the day, when the rate limit resets. <> #25 <> #26
Might be related to
Since the 21th of december, we see the 95th percentile for latency going regularly to 9 minutes, see screenshot <> #27
Does anyone knows if the v4 api has the same issue ? <> #28
We're using v4, same problems.
Thanks for the suggestion of using multiple projects to get around the rate-limit errors. I've started using this to try & mitigate the problem. <> #29
I've been using the same script for 3 years.
Sometimes get Limit quota error...sometimes not
report = new{
query: {
'ids': 'ga:XXXXXXXX',
'start-date': '2020-05-22,
'end-date': 'yesterday',
'metrics': 'ga:pageviews',
'dimensions': 'ga:yearMonth',
}); <> #30
Hi all,
This is still currently being worked on by the team as a priority issue. Some changes had already been made in the backend in order to hopefully alleviate this concern, but do kindly report back if you are still experiencing problems with the Analytics API.
In the meantime, you may want to use the <> #31
So far, I haven't seen any improvement.
Can you give us an estimated date of resolution of this problem? <> #32
Echoing other comments. We've not seen any improvement either. <> #33
Hi all,
Thank you for updating us on the concern. I'm afraid that we are not able to provide any timelines on this, though rest assured that I'm seeing bug fixing activity every day within the related internal bug ticket. We'll keep you posted on this. <> #34
The slow request times don't seem to have improved, though. There's a curious distribution to them - we do see a lot of fast responses (from 0-20 seconds), but then there's a grouping of responses around 240 seconds, 480 seconds, 720 and 960. I don't see an obvious correlation with the metrics/dimensions/daterange that is used.
Approximately 80% of our requests do complete in under a minute.
(Sadly we weren't logging GA's response times in such detail until a week or so ago, so can't compare our numbers to before 21st December.) <> #35 <> #36 <> #37
Hi all,
Thank you for your patience on this concern. The team is still actively working on fixing the issue; we'll keep you updated for new developments on this.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #38
Unfortunately, we still see slow and stuck requests.
We appreciate your regular updates, would love to see more details on the root cause and troubleshooting process.
Keep up the great work!
David and all the bright minds at Conversific <> #39 <> #40
<p><b>502.</b> <ins>That’s an error.</ins>
<p>The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.<p>Please try again in 30 seconds. <ins>That’s all we know.</ins>
Server error: (500) Internal Server Error <> #41 <> #42 <> #43 <> #44
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #45 <> #46
What is the expected time to have this issue fixed? The delays heavily decrease user experience of our service. It has been working perfectly since 2010, but from around Dec 23 we see a lot of delays and GA API response timeouts till today. Please share shed some light to us when we can expect to have it fixed. Thank you! <> #47 <> #48
Hi all,
We understand your frustrations. If at all applicable, you may try upgrading to Google Analytics 4 and using the Data API as a workaround for this. We ask for your patience on this as we continuously work towards fixing this issue. We will keep you updated. <> #49
We have hundreds of GA profiles connected to our system (uses GA API3). And we have confirmation that "Quota Error: Rate Limit Exceeded" occurs randomly.
For example, 'profile_id': '189154725' is connected to our system from two users "quotaUser=150509" and "quotaUser=196242". Yesterday there was Quota Error: Rate Limit Exceeded at 2021-01-07 04:23:39.046 MSK. But in our logs i see that qps rate for that quotaUsers is less than 1 qps for previous hours.
It looks like after it appears several times for some profile - we have "Quota Error: Number of recent failed reporting API requests is too high, please implement exponential back off.". So we cannot fetch GA data till next day for such profiles. We have already implemented exponential backoff, we use quotaUser but it not helps and last two weeks we have many profiles that are always blocked with "number of recent failed reporting API is too high".
We think that this is more serious problem than API timeouts that is discussed in <> #50 <> #51
We saw a marked improvement yesterday around 6:10 pm (UTC +1), with times returning to normal. This improvement did not last over time and in the hours that followed, the problem of latency returned. <> #52
One of the Google people in this thread suggested: "If at all applicable, you may try upgrading to Google Analytics 4 and using the Data API as a workaround for this"
We use R to access the Analytics API. To this end we've made use of the RGA package (
So I managed to find another much more recent R package which supports v3 and v4 of the Analytics API:
Here's a nice beginner's guide for this package:
So I rewrote one of the bigger scripts to use googleAnalyticsR instead, making v4 requests. Just some numbers: Nine reports, ten analytics views each, monthly data over three years ... it took altogether a bit more than an hour when I ran the new script about an hour ago. In the last two weeks, using v3 with the old script, each report took about 6-8 hours ... if it completed at all.
Hopefully it was not only a streak of luck with the new v4 requests ... ;-) <> #53
In other words: is v4 faster than v3 before problems?
Chris. <> #54
I can't give you a comparison for the monthly reports mentioned before because I only started to implement that script about 2-3 weeks ago. I can give you, however, some numbers for a similar script: same nine reports, same ten views, retrieving data for the last 36 days (up until "yesterday") on a daily basis. Before the API problems started, this script took about 60 minutes to complete in the morning (starting at 06:50 CET). I just rewrote this script to work with the new R package and v4. Result: 22 minutes (16:42 to 17:04 CET). <> #55
Hi all,
Thank you for your patience on this issue.
Just to provide a small update on this: there have been a great number of changes in the backend in the past few days that may contribute into alleviating this issue. We understand that this issue is not completely resolved yet, and will still keep working on it in the meantime. Again, we ask everyone for their patience on this as we strive to develop a more permanent fix for this. <> #56
Anyway, it's also good time to think about migration to v4 which probably (as mentioned above - thank you!) is much faster in general! :) <> #57
Today, we do not find any improvement on our side. It is still very slow. <> #58
The scripts which we had already migrated to v4 worked without any problems. We've now migrated all our scripts to v4.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #59
I created a video to reproduce it in google analytics API explorer tool.
We are experiencing the same using API.
Same request takes less than a second and then randomly takes 4 minutes.
Video: <> #60 <> #61
Hi all,
Thank you for providing further reports on this. It helps the team in identifying the relevant issues and fixes surrounding this slowdown.
Rest assured that the team is working on this, and applying various fixes, every day. In the meantime, migrating to the Analytics Reporting v4 API (or the Analytics Data API) might help in alleviating the issue. <> #62
Is there any indication on when this issue is getting picked up? We have an analytics integration in our product that uses the v3 API. We perform many API calls per day and most of those now take 240 seconds to complete.
It seems that when a call doesnt succeed within a few seconds it always takes around 240 seconds to complete. I tried retrying requests taking longer than 3 seconds, but then im hitting a "failed request" quota pretty quickly.
Thanks in advance
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #63
We tried similar strategy of retrying a request after 20sec timeout but with no gain, seems that the issue is even getting worse.
Can we have an ETA on the issue please, so we can consider what are our options between potential 4.0 upgrade and waiting for issue to be resolved? <> #64
Hi all,
Thank you for your patience on this issue.
While I'm afraid that we are not able to provide any ETA for this at the moment, rest assured that the team is working on fixing this everyday. We will continue to keep you updated on this. <> #65 <> #66
Hi all,
Thank you for your patience on this issue.
The team has declared this issue fixed, but we are also still monitoring the performance of the API as well. Kindly try doing queries on the API once more, and do not hesitate to reach out to us again if you still encounter any issues with this. <> #67 <> <> #68
Thank you very much for this good news. It's ok with us too.
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for a few weeks now, I have noticed problems with slowness when retrieving data via the Google Analytics API.
For example, in May, to retrieve the previous month's data for 455 different sites, we took 35 minutes. Today we have passed to several hours. We are currently using the V3 API
Expected Behavior:
Normal response time
Steps to Reproduce:
Start a process that runs 10 Analytics data retrieval queries at the same time against a array containing about 120 queries including paging.
Example of a query: