Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit c60f33e229e31ab328ef6b59dab63b264954831c
Author: Alexandre Elias <>
Date: Fri Jul 10 16:23:09 2020
Semantics no-op cleanups
Partly in response to lmr's broad code review, I did a pass of
superficial API/implementation cleanup. The main changes are:
- I changed each Boolean SemanticsProperty where false is equivalent to
not being present to take "Unit" instead. This is conceptually
clearer: it avoids questions like "can I cancel out a semantics from a
merged child by setting it to false?" Because "property = Unit" looks
weird, I also changed the style of these to "property()".
- I moved the Semantics id generator closer to where it's used, in
SemanticsModifierCore. I made it internal and an AtomicInt.
(Note that integer ids are heavily used in the Android
AccessibilityNodeInfo APIs so I can't simply remove them entirely.)
- I deleted dead code. Some examples include SemanticsHintOverrides,
a public API not connected to anything, and SemanticsPropertyKey
merge() open method which is never called. (In both cases I have
a different plan in mind for accessibility.)
Fixes: 145951226
Fixes: 145955412
Test: existing tests
Relnote: "Single-value semantics properties now use a calling style.
For example, 'semantics { hidden = true }' is now written as:
'semantics { hidden() }'."
Change-Id: Ic1afd12ea22c926babc9662f1804d80b33aa0cfc
M ui/integration-tests/benchmark/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/benchmark/test/LayoutNodeModifierBenchmark.kt
M ui/ui-core/api/0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/current.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/public_plus_experimental_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/restricted_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/restricted_current.txt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/ui/graphics/vector/VectorTest.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/ui/semantics/SemanticsTests.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/AndroidActuals.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/AndroidComposeView.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/AndroidComposeViewAccessibilityDelegateCompat.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/AndroidPopup.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/Expect.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsConfiguration.kt
D ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsHintOverrides.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsModifier.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsNode.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsOwner.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsWrapper.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/semantics/SemanticsProperties.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/current.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/public_plus_experimental_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/restricted_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/restricted_current.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/Clickable.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/Dialog.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/Scroller.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/selection/Selectable.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/selection/Toggleable.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/semantics/FoundationSemanticsProperties.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/ButtonTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/CardTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/CheckboxScreenshotTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/RadioButtonScreenshotTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/ScaffoldTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/SnackbarTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/SurfaceTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/ripple/RippleIndicationTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/textfield/TextFieldScreenshotTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/main/java/androidx/ui/material/AppBar.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/main/java/androidx/ui/material/TextFieldImpl.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/AssertsTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/CallSemanticsActionTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/ErrorMessagesTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/FindersTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/PrintToStringTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/ScrollToTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/TextActionsTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/main/java/androidx/ui/test/Actions.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/main/java/androidx/ui/test/Filters.kt
M ui/ui-text/api/0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/current.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/public_plus_experimental_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/restricted_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/restricted_current.txt
M ui/ui-text/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/text/CoreTextField.kt
M ui/ui-text/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/text/TextSemanticsProperties.kt <> #3
composeVersion = '1.2.0-beta03'
+ these deps included
debugImplementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling:$composeVersion"
debugImplementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling-preview:$composeVersion"
debugImplementation "androidx.customview:customview:1.2.0-alpha01"
debugImplementation "androidx.customview:customview-poolingcontainer:1.0.0-rc01"
also tested 1.2.0-beta02, 1.3.0-alpha01 (with 1.2.0 composeCompiler)..., same crash <> #4
I was using Compose 1.2.0-rc03 and Compose Compiler 1.2.0. But this issue was present in previous versions (1.2.0-RCxx) of the compiler too.
Yesterday I was testing how it works with Compose 1.1.1 and Compose 1.3.0-alpha01. It seemed to be working better, I could inspect the app for 5-10 minutes until it crashed. However, fetching view atributes was really unreliable: sometimes instantaneous, other times with a huge delay or not it all. And I believe crashes are related to the attributes section.
Most of the crashes had these messages in the Logcat afterwards: (see the attached file) <> #5
It looks like jvmti->GetMethodName(methodId, &name, nullptr, nullptr)
returns a nullptr
for name without returning an error.
Slightly surprising. I will add a nullptr guard to avoid this.
It would be nice to find out what the kotlin code that causes looks like. It will be a lambda expression. <> #6
Okay, I did some testing and found out that this code crashes the app while using Layout Inspector. Once I removed all the parameters of ModalBottomSheetState
(or of my wrapper *UiState
class with ModalBottomSheetState
in constructor) – it began to work fine.
I have other crashes on second screen and there are no functions with parameter ModalBottomSheetState
. That screen has much more functions and I will need more time to find the cause.
At least it's safe to say that this the crash is not caused by ModalBottomSheetState
exclusively <> #7
Great, thanks. I will take a look. <> #8
PS: You mention that there are other crashes on the second screen.
If logcat shows the same lines like #2 i.e.
.../apex/ (__strncmp_aarch64+252)
.../ (compose_inspection::analyzeLines(_jvmtiEnv*, int, _jvmtiLineNumberEntry*, int, _jvmtiLocalVariableEntry*, int*, int*)
.../ (compose_inspection::resolveLocation(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*)
then it is likely the same bug.
If crash looks different in logcat, it is likely a different bug: Please create a new bug (you could update this bug with a link to the new bug. Then I will see the new bug before the it goes through triaging).
Thank you so much for reporting. <> #9
Tested Compose 1.3.0-alpha03 with my project. Layout inspector works like a charm now Thank you for the fix <> #10
Thank you for reporting the bug and about the bug fix. <> #11
I found an issue may related to this.
Detail is here 244376735.
Shortly after launch, layout inspector crashes the app within first 10 seconds. Sometimes it may stay for longer, until I click some view for inspection. The crash occurs regardless of the device I use: Samsung Tab S6 Lite (API 31), Android Emulator (API 32) and Pixel 4 (API 33). For some reason this issue is specific to my project and I wasn't able to create a reproducible test project for you. I've attached logs from devices and a thread dump from Android Studio.
I would be grateful for any insight on where to look for the problem.
P.S. Also, I can't file an issue under Android Studio > Design Tools > Layout Inspector category.