Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit a330c0d3bcdd41326f37968a60e6084ad4a2e32c
Author: Chet Haase <>
Date: Wed Jul 05 07:26:46 2023
Convert APIs using PointF to use Float instead
PointF is a convenient mechanism for passing around x.y values
representing 2D points. But there are downsides, including:
- Converting to PointF: You may not have the data in PointF form
to begin with, so using an API which takes PointF requires converting
the data to that form (including allocating a PointF object every time)
- Mutability: Point structures can be mutated internally, causing
unpredictability in what that mutation means. Should the library
react to those changes? Ignore them? Do defensive copies (requiring
even more allocations)? Using primitive types like Float make the
behavior more obvious (by making the data inherently immutable).
- Allocations: Whenever we use object types, there are necessarily
allocations on the Java heap for them. This puts pressure on the GC
at both allocation and collection time. Given the amount of points
being passed around (especially at morph creation time, when curves
are being split and created), this causes a lot of PointF objects to
be allocated (even temporarily). Using Float avoids that problem.
Also fixed bug with unclosed paths causing discontinuity at the
start/end point.
Bug: 276466399
Bug: 290254314
Test: integration and unit tests pass
Relnote: PointF parameters changed to Float pairs
Change-Id: Id4705d27c7be31b26ade8186b99fffe2e2f8450e
M graphics/graphics-shapes/api/current.txt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/api/restricted_current.txt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/CubicShapeTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/CubicTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/PolygonMeasureTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/PolygonTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/RoundedPolygonTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/ShapesTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/TestUtils.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/Cubic.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/CubicShape.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/FeatureMapping.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/FloatMapping.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/Morph.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/PolygonMeasure.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/RoundedPolygon.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/Shapes.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/Utils.kt
M graphics/integration-tests/testapp-compose/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/testcompose/DebugDraw.kt
M graphics/integration-tests/testapp-compose/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/testcompose/ShapeEditor.kt
M graphics/integration-tests/testapp/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/test/MaterialShapes.kt
Branch: androidx-main
commit a330c0d3bcdd41326f37968a60e6084ad4a2e32c
Author: Chet Haase <>
Date: Wed Jul 05 07:26:46 2023
Convert APIs using PointF to use Float instead
PointF is a convenient mechanism for passing around x.y values
representing 2D points. But there are downsides, including:
- Converting to PointF: You may not have the data in PointF form
to begin with, so using an API which takes PointF requires converting
the data to that form (including allocating a PointF object every time)
- Mutability: Point structures can be mutated internally, causing
unpredictability in what that mutation means. Should the library
react to those changes? Ignore them? Do defensive copies (requiring
even more allocations)? Using primitive types like Float make the
behavior more obvious (by making the data inherently immutable).
- Allocations: Whenever we use object types, there are necessarily
allocations on the Java heap for them. This puts pressure on the GC
at both allocation and collection time. Given the amount of points
being passed around (especially at morph creation time, when curves
are being split and created), this causes a lot of PointF objects to
be allocated (even temporarily). Using Float avoids that problem.
Also fixed bug with unclosed paths causing discontinuity at the
start/end point.
Bug: 276466399
Bug: 290254314
Test: integration and unit tests pass
Relnote: PointF parameters changed to Float pairs
Change-Id: Id4705d27c7be31b26ade8186b99fffe2e2f8450e
M graphics/graphics-shapes/api/current.txt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/api/restricted_current.txt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/CubicShapeTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/CubicTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/PolygonMeasureTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/PolygonTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/RoundedPolygonTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/ShapesTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/TestUtils.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/Cubic.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/CubicShape.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/FeatureMapping.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/FloatMapping.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/Morph.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/PolygonMeasure.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/RoundedPolygon.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/Shapes.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/Utils.kt
M graphics/integration-tests/testapp-compose/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/testcompose/DebugDraw.kt
M graphics/integration-tests/testapp-compose/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/testcompose/ShapeEditor.kt
M graphics/integration-tests/testapp/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/test/MaterialShapes.kt <> #3
PointF was the main (possibly only) mutability issue, marking this as fixed <> #4
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed: <> #5
I managed to repro it after a bunch of debugging. The bad news is that it's caused when using
- Add
implementation io.coil-kt:coil-compose:2.1.0
to build.gradle - Add the following composable:
@Composable fun Leak() {
val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
val items by remember { mutableStateOf(List(10000) { it }) }
LazyColumn(state = lazyListState) {
items(items) {
Box(Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) {
model = "",
contentDescription = null
- Scroll
- Memory 📈 <> #6
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit e82b3518094e5451dd4697f31a412c10075b28c5
Author: Andrei Shikov <>
Date: Wed Jul 20 23:43:58 2022
Dispose nested snapshots created from transparent snapshots
Adds a flag to transparent snapshots to "manage" wrapped snapshots which forces dispose of the wrapped snapshot whenever transparent one is disposed.
This flag is only enabled for the snapshots taken inside transparent snapshots, fixing memory leaks in certain conditions.
Fixes a minor bug where transparent snapshot wasn't receiving reads from nested snapshots as well.
Fixes: 239603305
Test: SnapshotTests#testNestedWithinTransparentSnapshotDisposedCorrectly
Change-Id: I62eddd279c8cf44b032d852d646c9ba21ad08a39
M compose/runtime/runtime/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/runtime/snapshots/Snapshot.kt
M compose/runtime/runtime/src/commonTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/runtime/snapshots/SnapshotTests.kt
Branch: androidx-main
commit e82b3518094e5451dd4697f31a412c10075b28c5
Author: Andrei Shikov <>
Date: Wed Jul 20 23:43:58 2022
Dispose nested snapshots created from transparent snapshots
Adds a flag to transparent snapshots to "manage" wrapped snapshots which forces dispose of the wrapped snapshot whenever transparent one is disposed.
This flag is only enabled for the snapshots taken inside transparent snapshots, fixing memory leaks in certain conditions.
Fixes a minor bug where transparent snapshot wasn't receiving reads from nested snapshots as well.
Fixes: 239603305
Test: SnapshotTests#testNestedWithinTransparentSnapshotDisposedCorrectly
Change-Id: I62eddd279c8cf44b032d852d646c9ba21ad08a39
M compose/runtime/runtime/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/runtime/snapshots/Snapshot.kt
M compose/runtime/runtime/src/commonTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/runtime/snapshots/SnapshotTests.kt <> #7
Thanks for the quick turnaround! <> #8
The following release(s) address this bug:
Jetpack Compose version: I've tested on 1.3.0-alpha01 and 1.2.0-beta03
Jetpack Compose component(s) used: LazyColumn
Android Studio Build: 221.3427.89.2211.8689873
Kotlin version: 1.7.10
Steps to Reproduce or Code Sample to Reproduce:
We have a rather large (10k+ items) LazyColumn where scrolling (eventually) leads to the application grinding to a halt, constantly trying to free memory. It can't, we just keep getting lots of these:
Background concurrent copying GC freed 51964(1414KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(120KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 190MB/192MB, paused 101us total 1.483s
I took at heap dump at this point and basically all of the heap is used up by instances of
.Replace LazyColumn with a RecyclerView (with each item being a ComposeView) and the memory leak is gone. App performance is night and day better.
I've been trying for hours to reproduce this in a trivial sample project and haven't had any luck yet. Raising this anyway just in case you have any ideas about what might be causing it. Obviously this makes LazyColumn completely unusable for us, so we'll stick to RecyclerView for now!