Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Hi. Thanks for reporting this. Fixed in alpha-04 <> #3
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit e782987543a9f8ccd485e970ddc74564b24378db
Author: Vighnesh Raut <>
Date: Mon Jan 02 15:27:40 2023
fix: tab row crashes when only 1 tab is added
Bug: b/264018028
Test: Added unit test
Change-Id: I6381dbac304fc1d69d3708c6655f8b595668e93f
M tv/tv-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/tv/material/TabRowTest.kt
M tv/tv-material/src/main/java/androidx/tv/material/TabRow.kt
Branch: androidx-main
commit e782987543a9f8ccd485e970ddc74564b24378db
Author: Vighnesh Raut <>
Date: Mon Jan 02 15:27:40 2023
fix: tab row crashes when only 1 tab is added
Test: Added unit test
Change-Id: I6381dbac304fc1d69d3708c6655f8b595668e93f
M tv/tv-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/tv/material/TabRowTest.kt
M tv/tv-material/src/main/java/androidx/tv/material/TabRow.kt <> <> #4
deleted <> <> #5
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed:
Version used: 1.3.6
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Issue consistently reproduced across various devices, on Android versions 9 to 13.
When reporting bugs, please always include:
1. Reproduction steps:
- Import and use the ExifInterface library version 1.3.6 in an Android project.
- Utilize the `setAttribute` method of the ExifInterface, specifying `ExifInterface.TAG_XMP` and the corresponding XMP data.
- Observe that the generated image contains duplicated XMP data.
2. How reproducible the issue is on the affected device: The issue occurs consistently on every attempt across various devices and Android versions (9 to 13).
3. If known, how reproducible the issue is on other devices and OS versions: Consistently reproducible on all tested devices and OS versions.
Where possible, please also provide:
1. A project code that reproduces the issue:
2. A screen record or screenshots showing the issue: A screenshot showing the duplicated XMP data in the binary data of the photo is attached for reference.
Additional Notes:
Upon inspection of the `setAttribute` source code in the ExifInterface library, it was found that `EXIF_TAGS` includes `IFD_TIFF_TAGS` twice. This redundancy potentially causes the XMP data to be generated twice in the resulting image, indicating a possible bug in the library's handling of XMP data.