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Comments <> #2
And yes, there are other potential solutions to this problem out there, such as , but they suffer from significant disadvantages: the first linked answer requires an additional web service call; the second would be awkward to make work at sufficiently high resolution for any measurements in coastal areas at higher map zoom levels. <> #4
The issue I merged into this one has requested a slightly more general case - looking for a general "terrain type". That seems to be a good, general solution to this problem.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #5
Was there any resolution forth coming for this? Wouldn't it be better to distinguish the elevation type rather than terrain i.e how would an inland 'sea' be classified; for instance if you where in the Dead Sea, or Caspian Sea the elevation would be reported as a -ve value, but it denotes surface elevation rather than depth. I am considering using the Elevation API but this is a restriction that might be, although an edge case of sorts, a deal breaker. <> <> <> #6
Thanks for your suggestion!
We have passed the suggestion on to the product team for further consideration.
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We have passed the suggestion on to the product team for further consideration.
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In particular, when the service returns a negative elevation value, the best treatment in the application logic can vary depending on whether the queried location is land or sea.
For example, in calculating an angle of altitude from point A to point B, for use in line-of-sight applications, it is not meaningful to use a negative elevation that is below the sea-surface, but it is necessary to use the negative value for land locations (e.g. from the floor of Badwater Basin in Death Valley to the top of nearby Funeral Peak).
At present, it is not easily possible to distinguish land locations that lie below sea level from sea depth measurements/bathymetry. (I imagine that the underlying values that feed the Elevation API are sourced from different data sets, so that distinguishing land from sea might be doable on the basis of the source elevation measurement.)
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