Status Update
Comments <> #2
This possible for Forms but no with Google Apps Script API. Will wait. <> #3
I would love this as well! <> #4
Waiting for this too !!!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #5
Dear Google Team! Ability to set CORRECT ANSWER programmatically (i.e. not manually) in the textItem is absolutely essential! Also, I am advocating for allowing programmatic assignment of the Correct and Incorrect feedback, using Google Script. Implementation of these functions would be very useful and, I am sure, would be appreciated by many users. Thank you! Prof P.M.Trivailo <> #6
Hi! The ability to set the correct answer on a text item would also be hugely beneficial to me! Cheers, Ole Lynge Sørensen <> #7
+1 It should definitely be included as a feature! Setting correct answers manually is not suitable. Please add this as soon as possible! Thank you as always for listening to us <3 <> #8
+1 <> #9
+1: very necessary. <> #10
+1 also it would be very useful to dynamically generate whole item from json config with answers and points, i.e. for school test <> #11
+1 <> #12
This would be really useful <> #13
First, please search through existing issues to ensure that the feature request has not already been reported. You can start the search here:
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Also, please verify that the functionality you are requesting is not already present in Apps Script.
If your feature has not been requested, please provide all of the following:
A short description of the request:
add a method to FormApp TextItem to setCorrectAnswers()
and also an option to give correct and incorrect feedback like with choice type items
What is the purpose of this new feature?
Now that forms allow quizzes you can add possible responses to text items to score as correct in the interface. This would allow you to create quiz items through script and also identify responses to score correctly.
For example:
var form = FormApp.openById('1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
var item = form.addTextItem();
item.setTitle('What is the correct html open tag for a header size 1?');
var acceptableAnswers = ["h1", "H1", "<h1>", "<H1>"];
It would also be nice to set points based on different answers. For example, you might have an array of answers that you give full credit for (e.g., 2 points) and another array of answers that you give partial credit (e.g., 1 point). This would also involve updating the UI interface.
What existing Apps Script services would this affect? FormApp
What existing data does this use?
Please provide any additional information below, including the particular use cases you believe this feature would enable or improve.