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Comments <> #2
The concept of a multi-region (a geographical location) does not exist on Google Cloud Platform. However, informally some users consider a geographic location that includes multiple regions, a multi-region location. For example, a continent (e.g North America), a country (e.g US), or sometimes a timezone (e.g east, central,west,etc.) is called by some users a multi-region. [1] [2]
On the other hand, the resources themselves can be (deployed) in multiple regions. Hence, we call them multi-regional resources [2] [3].
Furthermore, and per the same document [1], the relation between a zone and region is defined as “ Each region has one or more zones. For example, the us-central1 region denotes a region in the Central United States that has zones us-central1-a, us-central1-b, us-central1-c, and us-central1-f.” Hence, listing zones using the methods in this page [4] listes the relation for each zone with its region. You can also try using the gcloud command on this page [5]. Example output from [4] (note the region link).
"kind": "compute#zone",
"id": "2233",
"creationTimestamp": "1969-12-31T16:00:00.000-08:00",
"name": "us-east1-c",
"description": "us-east1-c",
"status": "UP",
"region": " ",
"selfLink": " ",
"availableCpuPlatforms": [
"Intel Skylake",
"Intel Broadwell",
"Intel Haswell"
That said, I would like to understand your use case, and the end-goal of such an API call.
Thank you
On the other hand, the resources themselves can be (deployed) in multiple regions. Hence, we call them multi-regional resources [2] [3].
Furthermore, and per the same document [1], the relation between a zone and region is defined as “ Each region has one or more zones. For example, the us-central1 region denotes a region in the Central United States that has zones us-central1-a, us-central1-b, us-central1-c, and us-central1-f.” Hence, listing zones using the methods in this page [4] listes the relation for each zone with its region. You can also try using the gcloud command on this page [5]. Example output from [4] (note the region link).
"kind": "compute#zone",
"id": "2233",
"creationTimestamp": "1969-12-31T16:00:00.000-08:00",
"name": "us-east1-c",
"description": "us-east1-c",
"status": "UP",
"region": "
"selfLink": "
"availableCpuPlatforms": [
"Intel Skylake",
"Intel Broadwell",
"Intel Haswell"
That said, I would like to understand your use case, and the end-goal of such an API call.
Thank you
[5] <> #3
Since I haven’t heard from you for a while, this report is closing now due to inactivity. Feel free to open a new report linking to this one with all relevant information and we'll be happy to assist.
For example to list all the multi-regions.
North America
- us-central1 {us-central1-c, us-central1-a, us-central1-f, ...}
- us-east1 {...}
South America
- southamerica-east1 {...}