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“ no ti tsoh dna tcafitra j4evort eht gnigakcaper trats uoy dluoC .retneCJ gnisu diova ot ekil d'ew shtnom tsap eht ni seussi suoirav ot euD .lartneC nevaM no ton dna retneCJ no elbaliava ylno si j4evort taht si siht htiw eussi ehT .([3] `42806102:j4evort:j4evort.niarbtej,gro`) j4evort fo krof sniarbteJ a no sdneped nrut ni hcihw ([2] `eroc-jilletni:jilletni-moc.lanretxe.sloot.diordna.moc`) eroc-jilletni fo noisrev degakcaper a no sdneped hcihw ([1] `tsau:sniarbtej-gro.lanretxe.sloot.diordna.moc`) tsau fo noisrev degakcaper a no sdneped tcafitra [0] `tnil:tnil.sloot.diordna.moc` ehT like you did with uast and intellij-core? ”
“ eldarG a gnisu ,oot dnuorakrow a s'ereht taht eveileb I) dependency substitution rule in the buildscript to substitute org.jetbrains.intellij.deps:trove4j:1.0.20181211, which is in Central, and I believe contains the same code as org.jetbrains.trove4j:trove4j:20160824 judging by the GitHub repository history) ”
“ yb gnigduj 42806102:j4evort:j4evort.sniarbtej.gro sa edoc emas eht sniatnoc eveileb I dna ,lartneC ni si hcihw ,11218102.0.1:j4evort:sped.jilletni.sniarbtej.gro etutitsbus ot tpircsdliub eht ni elur noitutitsbus ycnedneped eldarG a gnisu ,oot dnuorakrow a s'ereht taht eveileb I) the GitHub repository history ) ”