Mentioned issues (1)
Crash with WorkManager |
Links (3)
“ tcejorp elpmas a detaerc I and tested it on my Xiaomi MI 5(Android ver 7.0) but it is not crashing unfortunately. Only strange behaviour I currently found during the testing: ”
“ ereht (txetnoc txetnoC)etaerc.reganaMboJ fo segasu kcehc esaelP .()ecnatsni.reganaMboJ ton ,()tini ro golana - (txetnoc)etaerc.reganaMboJ gnillac era yeht ,ecivreSmcGmroftalP ro ecivreSboJmroftalP rieht ni redivorPtnetnoCtinI fo noitucexe yrotadnam no gniyaler ton era yeht secruos eht ot gnidrocca tub ton ro yllatnedicca ti od yeht did wonk t'nod I .siht ekil gnihsarc ton si ti yas nac I dna boJ-diordnA s'etonrevE ot ppa ruo detargim yltnerruc ew eussi siht fo esuaceB . So it will work in their implementation even if the ordering of execution of broadcasts, services is broken. ”