Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for your detailed report!
We'll take a closer look and let you know if we have any updates.
We'll take a closer look and let you know if we have any updates. <> #3
We have just clarified the resumable upload protocol in our documentation here:
Note that this is slightly different from our previous protocol for resumable uploads. Please let us know if you are still having trouble following this new guide. Our apologies, but the general flow should be very similar to the previous definition.
Note that this is slightly different from our previous protocol for resumable uploads. Please let us know if you are still having trouble following this new guide. Our apologies, but the general flow should be very similar to the previous definition. <> #4
Thanks for the updated documentation. I've given it a go and resumable uploads now seem to be working fine. Thanks.
A short description of the issue:
Search using content Filter fails with
"search failed - googleapi: Error 500: Internal error encountered., backendError"
Here is the content filter
"filters": {
"contentFilter": {
"excludedContentCategories": [
I saw this error using go lang client ("
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