Status Update
Comments <> #2
1) Right click app in the project window
2) select module settings
3) select build variants
4) create a 'custom' build variant with Debuggable disabled.
That variant to show up in 'Build Variants' window
Build Variants is empty, if I go into the build variant options again, both my custom build variant and 'debug' are deleted. I tried to recreate 'debug', but it's still broken - the build variant window still says 'nothing to show', and my project fails to gradle sync. <> #3 <> <> #4 <> #5
The root point still stands though when configuring through gradle files - the error message from #1 is difficult to act on:
10:19 AM Error running 'app': The apk for your currently selected variant (app-profile.apk) is not signed. Please specify a signing configuration for this variant (profile).
This raises the question - why is signing required only for non-debug variants?
The answer is (I assume) that debug builds are signed with a special key since they're never deployed to play store. However, not every non-debug build variant is either. release (or custom build variants) are useful for many things before deploying to play:
- profiling
- testing minification / R8
- benchmarking
There are a few options that could improve things for these use cases (so folks don't go and add fake/temporary signing keys, since the error message implies they have to).
1) make signingConfigs.debug more discoverable
I'd like to see some official docs on how to use it, e.g. here:
Could also add a link to these docs any time we give the "this is unsigned" error. That would help significantly.
2) make signingConfigs.debug the default for library test APKs
Library test APKs (androidTest in a library module) follow the same signing constraints as regular apps - they must be signed to run in release mode. These test APKs are self-instrumenting tests - they shouldn't be uploaded to the store, so they're likely to never need to be 'correctly' signed.
3) make signingConfigs.debug the default for all APKs
This is more extreme, but worth discussing. Play store already blocks you from uploading debug signed APKs - would it be acceptable to just debug-sign everything by default so that apps don't have to worry about this until upload? <> #6 <> #7
Retitled, since the original title was about behavior in the Studio UI for buildtype configuration. Not an issue when configuring through build.gradle <> <> #8
2 seems uncontroversial to me, so we should at least do that. <> <> #11
Default signing key for release builds came up in a conversation with +Jedo and +Xav today, in the context of encouraging people to profile performance accurate (release) builds. There was concern that pushing people to release builds would mean they couldn't run the unsignable builds by default.
While the fix for 2 above was great for library builds, using the debug key universally would simplify what needs to be done for profiling release builds. <> <> #12
From AGP 7.3-alpha01, debug signing will be automatically applied to build types with debuggable or profileable enabled, if there are no other signing configs defined for the build type. <> #13 <> #14
Yes, the new behavior means when profileable/debuggable is enabled, the default debug signing config will be used if no other signing config is specified (see VariantDslInfoImpl:845). <> #15
The run config shows an IDE error and wouldn't let me proceed. See attached screenshot.
It might have something to do with when the flag is set (, maybe there's some timing issue between signing and its check? <> #16
This only takes effect when the flag is injected - the model Studio sees will still see that variant as unsigned.
I'd suggest the logic in Studio that blocks the run configuration in Studio from running needs to be updated so when the profileable flag will be injected it assumes that the build system will sign and doesn't warn or block deployment (for AGP versions that support it, of course) <> #17
Yi - are you the right person to own that part? <> #18 <> #19
This was fixed by <> #20
Thanks for the update. I just tried Dolphin Canary 7 (as well as studio-main dev build): when I tried to run the release variant, I got this error:
03/23 11:13:22: Launching 'app' on Google Pixel 4.
Installation did not succeed.
The application could not be installed: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES
List of apks:
[0] '/Users/yiyiyang/AndroidStudioProjects/ProfilerTester/app/build/intermediates/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk'
APK signature verification failed.
Failed to launch an application on all devices <> #21
What's the version of AGP? My understanding is that the flag will only work after a certain version? <> #22
I just realized I set the profiling mode to debuggable. So I tried profileable, which seemed to work. Looking at ag/17044839, I believe the condition should be profilingMode != NONE as either PROFILEABLE or DEBUGGABLE is considered profileable. <> #23
enum class so that it can look like profileMode.isProfileable
On Wed, 23 Mar 2022 at 18:52, yiyiyang <>
10:19 AM Error running 'app': The apk for your currently selected variant (app-profile.apk) is not signed. Please specify a signing configuration for this variant (profile).
This doesn't make sense to me, since I've in the past been able to run non-debuggable apps without signing, so I try and create a 'profile' variant which copies all the default settings from 'debug', but just sets debuggable -> false. Same error.
For some reason, I can edit the 'debug' build type to run debuggable, but not any other build type.
Build: 3.2 Beta 2, AI-181.5281.24.32.4860949, 201806252233, AI-181.5281.24.32.4860949, JRE 1.8.0_152-release-1136-b04x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Linux(amd64) v4.9.0-6-amd64 unknown, screens 2560x1600, 1920x1200Android Gradle Plugin: 3.3.0-alpha01Gradle: 4.8NDK: from 15.0.4075724; latest from SDK: 15.0.4075724; LLDB: pinned revision 3.1 not found; latest from SDK: (package not found); CMake: from (not specified); latest from SDK: /usr/local/google/sdk/cmake/3.6.3155560/bin/cmake -version/usr/local/google/sdk/cmake/3.6.3155560/bin/cmake: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory; from PATH: (not found); IMPORTANT: Please read