Status Update
Comments <> #2 <> #3
for the "out" bundle issue, this seems indeed an issue. for the second one reported adding "debugUpdateAPKArtifact" to the path, this WAI as there can more more than one transformer and we need to automatically separate them so they do not use the same output folder. for #3, I will look at it but it might be difficult to change it at this time. <> <> #4 <> #5
Hello, this is a P1 S1 issue for a while now, and it's blocking us from upgrading to AGP 4.2 and further. What's the current status? And do you have plans to backport it to 4.2.x? <> #6
no we don't have a plan to backport this. why is this blocking you from upgrading ? <> #7
We sign apk's and bundles via internal service, and i don't know another way to interact with artifacts;
Yesterday i ended up with some ugly workaround: <> <> #8
I commented on the merge request but to summarize :
you can set your signing tasks output folder to wherever you need to be :
artifacts.use(target.tasks.signedApkTaskProvider(this)).configure { signedDirProperty.set(File("/path/to/where/you/want/your/signed/files")) }
if you don't set it, then we will set a directory automatically. <> <> #9
Thanks, Jerome! <> #10
I checked that we do have correct behavior for FILE based artifacts like bundle :
> Task :app:debugUpdateArtifact
originalArtifact: /usr/local/google/home/jedo/src/studio-main/out/apiTests/Kotlin/bugTest/app/build/intermediates/bundle/debug/signDebugBundle/app-debug.aab
updatedArtifact: /usr/local/google/home/jedo/src/studio-main/out/apiTests/Kotlin/bugTest/app/build/outputs/bundle/debug/app-debug.aab
however, we still seem to not be consistent for the DIRECTORY based artifacts like APK:
> Task :app:debugUpdateAPKArtifact
Input folder: /usr/local/google/home/jedo/src/studio-main/out/apiTests/Kotlin/bugTest/app/build/outputs/apk/debug
Output folder: /usr/local/google/home/jedo/src/studio-main/out/apiTests/Kotlin/bugTest/app/build/intermediates/apk/debug
Input file: /usr/local/google/home/jedo/src/studio-main/out/apiTests/Kotlin/bugTest/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
Alex, can you have a look ? <> #11
correction, I was not correct about FILE being correct.
Instead of :
updatedArtifact: /usr/local/google/home/jedo/src/studio-main/out/apiTests/Kotlin/bugTest/app/build/outputs/bundle/debug/app-debug.aab
it should be
updatedArtifact: /usr/local/google/home/jedo/src/studio-main/out/apiTests/Kotlin/bugTest/app/build/outputs/app-debug.aab
`` <> <> #12
Two requests are created as they are API changes <> #13
Fix will be available in Android Studio F/AGP 8.0 Canary 2 Release <> #14
I tried to use it and at first look, it looks like everything works as expected. Thanks! <> #15
The big issue is, that the current AGP 7.4.0 is broken. I tried to use this API and it is still broken in 7.4.0, it is probably really in AGP 8 :-( <> #16
This only takes effect when the flag is injected - the model Studio sees will still see that variant as unsigned.
I'd suggest the logic in Studio that blocks the run configuration in Studio from running needs to be updated so when the profileable flag will be injected it assumes that the build system will sign and doesn't warn or block deployment (for AGP versions that support it, of course) <> #17
Yi - are you the right person to own that part? <> #18 <> #19
This was fixed by <> #20
Thanks for the update. I just tried Dolphin Canary 7 (as well as studio-main dev build): when I tried to run the release variant, I got this error:
03/23 11:13:22: Launching 'app' on Google Pixel 4.
Installation did not succeed.
The application could not be installed: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES
List of apks:
[0] '/Users/yiyiyang/AndroidStudioProjects/ProfilerTester/app/build/intermediates/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk'
APK signature verification failed.
Failed to launch an application on all devices <> #21
What's the version of AGP? My understanding is that the flag will only work after a certain version? <> #22
I just realized I set the profiling mode to debuggable. So I tried profileable, which seemed to work. Looking at ag/17044839, I believe the condition should be profilingMode != NONE as either PROFILEABLE or DEBUGGABLE is considered profileable. <> #23
enum class so that it can look like profileMode.isProfileable
On Wed, 23 Mar 2022 at 18:52, yiyiyang <>
10:19 AM Error running 'app': The apk for your currently selected variant (app-profile.apk) is not signed. Please specify a signing configuration for this variant (profile).
This doesn't make sense to me, since I've in the past been able to run non-debuggable apps without signing, so I try and create a 'profile' variant which copies all the default settings from 'debug', but just sets debuggable -> false. Same error.
For some reason, I can edit the 'debug' build type to run debuggable, but not any other build type.
Build: 3.2 Beta 2, AI-181.5281.24.32.4860949, 201806252233, AI-181.5281.24.32.4860949, JRE 1.8.0_152-release-1136-b04x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Linux(amd64) v4.9.0-6-amd64 unknown, screens 2560x1600, 1920x1200Android Gradle Plugin: 3.3.0-alpha01Gradle: 4.8NDK: from 15.0.4075724; latest from SDK: 15.0.4075724; LLDB: pinned revision 3.1 not found; latest from SDK: (package not found); CMake: from (not specified); latest from SDK: /usr/local/google/sdk/cmake/3.6.3155560/bin/cmake -version/usr/local/google/sdk/cmake/3.6.3155560/bin/cmake: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory; from PATH: (not found); IMPORTANT: Please read