Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for your detailed report!
We'll take a closer look and let you know if we have any updates.
We'll take a closer look and let you know if we have any updates. <> #3
We have just clarified the resumable upload protocol in our documentation here:
Note that this is slightly different from our previous protocol for resumable uploads. Please let us know if you are still having trouble following this new guide. Our apologies, but the general flow should be very similar to the previous definition.
Note that this is slightly different from our previous protocol for resumable uploads. Please let us know if you are still having trouble following this new guide. Our apologies, but the general flow should be very similar to the previous definition. <> #4
Thanks for the updated documentation. I've given it a go and resumable uploads now seem to be working fine. Thanks. <> #5
Thanks! This is a great step forward. I definitely would like it for videos, too. I will open a new issue for that.
Why is it missing the location metadata? That's one of the most important fields for my use case -- preserving user's memories, including where they were at. (The program we're writing is run on the user's computer, and it never goes to our servers or anything, we don't even have our own servers -- so it's not a privacy violation... purely client-side.)
Why is it missing the location metadata? That's one of the most important fields for my use case -- preserving user's memories, including where they were at. (The program we're writing is run on the user's computer, and it never goes to our servers or anything, we don't even have our own servers -- so it's not a privacy violation... purely client-side.) <> #6
Awesome. Now just add this EXIF metadata to the Photos API and I will be happy :) <> #7
Wait it still doesn't include location metadata ?!?! That's the one thing that I wanted from the EXIF data :( <> #8
I, too, need the geolocation data for all my photos.
Please, Google, get this sorted.
Please, Google, get this sorted. <> #9
This is still an issue <> #11
The only part of the EXIF data that matters to me is "Date Taken" for photos. For Videos, it would be "Date Modified". The photos work fine, but the videos get re-stamped with today's date when downloaded from GP. <> #12
You've missed the grievance we have - retrieved photos entrusted to Google Photos do not contain the geolocation data that was in the originals. And many of us require that GOS data when we retrieve our photos (yes, they still belong to us) <> #13
EXIF data for Creation Date is still not coming when downloading a photo from Google Photos website. <> #14
Why was this marked as "fixed"? <> #15
This is not fixed. Google, please actually fix this error. <> #16
When downloading them one by one I get the exif with GPS. When bulk downloading them they go away. Someone has a solution? maybe a bot to download them one by one but automatedly. This still a problem and I can't believe it. <> #17
Bug still alive... But actually I don't think this is a bug. I believe this is part of the vendor locking tactics of Google.
So I don't expect google to fix this.
Transferred my stuff using multcloud now I only have to deal with video's without metadata
So I don't expect google to fix this.
Transferred my stuff using multcloud now I only have to deal with video's without metadata <> #18
This is one of the most blatantly scummy things Google has ever done. This might just be the final straw. I have less than zero respect for (1) doing this in the first place, (2) acting like this bug is fixed when it's obvious to everyone what's going on here. I hope the pay was worth abandoning your integrity. Messenger or not, the deceit is plain as day. I hope the pay was worth abandoning your integrity. Messenger or not, the deceit is plain as day. <> #19
I am downloading my photos from Google Photos to my Mac and all the pictures metadata say the pictures were taken today. This is crap. How is this issue fixed? If I were a conspiracy minded person, I'd say this is the perfect strategy to get people to pay for storage... <> #20
Purchased google photo storage to safeguard my summer of motorcycle touring photos. Only to find out they strip off the location data that I'm using to map all the photos.
Where did it warn us about this? Thanks for messing up my content with your pay serviced. I will be looking for better alternatives and WILL NOT be building hooks into my code for google photos.
The status here should be PARTIAL FIX at best.
Where did it warn us about this? Thanks for messing up my content with your pay serviced. I will be looking for better alternatives and WILL NOT be building hooks into my code for google photos.
The status here should be PARTIAL FIX at best. <> #21
This is still a problem! <> #22
I will no more use google photos as backup. This is not acceptable that you remove metadata from our pictures that belongs to us.
For feature requests for the Google Photos app, please see
A short description of the request:
Please include EXIF metadata in the image download or as fields in the response body of the API. When using the baseUrl to download an image, it is stripped of almost all EXIF data.
What is the purpose of this new feature?
To preserve location, exposure, timestamp, and other information about the photo for the user's sake.
Please provide any additional information below.
We're experimenting with an application that preserves memories for our users, and without the full EXIF metadata, there's not many interesting possibilities. The new Photos API is very promising, but in its current state, it's not very useful. However, I'm looking forward to referring many people to Google Photos as soon as it has a useful API!