Status Update
Comments <> #2
What do you mean by "share"? You mean take a screenshot of it?
You can already have a reference to the MapView simply by instantiating it on your own. Please do not forget to forward events (onCreate, onPause, etc.) to it.
You can already have a reference to the MapView simply by instantiating it on your own. Please do not forget to forward events (onCreate, onPause, etc.) to it. <> #3
For taking a screenshot you normally use a Bitmap to be drawn on by the view. This does not work with the API v2 as it uses OpenGL. Thus the outcome Bitmap is a just black. <> #4
It's possible via android build-in command like what eclipse DDMS "screen capture" did. The problem is the authority to execute the command.
Hope the next release can enhance this to take screen capture on google map v2.
Hope the next release can enhance this to take screen capture on google map v2.
Thanks... <> #5
Yes, this was exactly what I was trying to do a few minutes ago. Didn't work.
Please guys, add such a functionality!
Please guys, add such a functionality! <> #6
I am developing an application in which this is a necessary and pivotal function; if this action is not possible then the majority of the app would be useless. Currently, the app uses Google Maps API v2, and I would really hate to have to downgrade back to Google Maps API v1 for this one function. <> #7
i am developing an application in which this is a necessary . <> #8
Re #2: I don't know what the MapsV2 lib does internally, but it has no GLSurfaceView in the client's app. I suspect they render it in another app and bit-copy over the results into a private, from plain SurfaceView derived view that you can access in your app. I'd really like to see this to get supported. <> #9
#9 - we essentially use a GLSurfaceView. It's a slightly modified version, though, so gets obfuscated by proguard. <> #10
Same issue here! Any feedback from Google?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #11
We added GoogleMap.snapshot:
Note that the bitmap returned by snapshot cannot be sent off the device - use it for things like thumbnails or in notifications. See the docs for more complete information on how you can use snapshots.
Note that the bitmap returned by snapshot cannot be sent off the device - use it for things like thumbnails or in notifications. See the docs for more complete information on how you can use snapshots. <> #12
Thank you very much! <> #13
Many thanks! <> #14
[Comment deleted] <> #15
Just update from ADT, the google-play-services.jar is created on 2013-07-24. Is this the right version, did not see the method "snapshot()".
Thanks... <> #16
[Comment deleted] <> #17
Nope, it looks like nothing has been released yet :( Still waiting ... <> #18
Sorry all - looks like we (the Maps team) launched a bit early. The client should come through the SDK Manager in the next day or so. You'll see announcements from the Android team. <> #19
Thanks very much ! <> #20
Just want to understand the terms of "off device" - per the original request, currently the user can take a snapshot of the screen pressing hardware buttons. this feature which has been added now allows the ability to capture a bitmap programatically. Are the terms such that the original use case in the original request is not allowed, ie, a screenshot of the activity which is composed of the map view + other views is not allowed to be put in the gallery on the device and emailed?
Clarification around this would be fantastic and appreciated, as we do not want to break the rules.
Clarification around this would be fantastic and appreciated, as we do not want to break the rules. <> #21
I would also appreciate further clarification about what is allowed to do with the image.
"use it for things like thumbnails" means it is allowed to store thumbnails off-device? E.g. a thumbnail of a track to be stored together with a track file on Google Drive, so that in the file listing the user sees the thumbnails. What is then the maximum pixel size to be considered a thumbnail?
I would suppose any restriction will be due to Google's rights on the map data, rather than the API, so if using a TileProvider with non-Google maps there is no restriction?
"use it for things like thumbnails" means it is allowed to store thumbnails off-device? E.g. a thumbnail of a track to be stored together with a track file on Google Drive, so that in the file listing the user sees the thumbnails. What is then the maximum pixel size to be considered a thumbnail?
I would suppose any restriction will be due to Google's rights on the map data, rather than the API, so if using a TileProvider with non-Google maps there is no restriction? <> #22
OK, the "snapshot" is fine now. And my problem is the same with #21.
THANKS... <> #23
How about #21, #22 ? Thanks... <> #24
Would it be possible to use this feature to embed a thumbnail in an online video, while respecting the Attribution Clause and this specific point from Google Maps Guidelines?
"In all online video cases, you must show attribution to both Google and our data providers on-screen at the time the content is shown. You may not move the attribution to the end credits or fade it out after a few seconds. We cannot grant an exception to this requirement under any circumstance. Please see our attribution page for more information."
"In all online video cases, you must show attribution to both Google and our data providers on-screen at the time the content is shown. You may not move the attribution to the end credits or fade it out after a few seconds. We cannot grant an exception to this requirement under any circumstance. Please see our attribution page for more information."
Thanks <> #25
any current solution to make a screenshot of the whole screen (maps + layouts, textviews, imageviews, etc) ??? <> #26
What a pain just to make a continuous daily notification in Android without being killed!
Is it just me not finding a clear solution for this or everyone?!
Is it just me not finding a clear solution for this or everyone?! <> #27
How to whitelist my Android app to China manufacturer like realme, Oppo, vivi,etc.
whats app and telegram enable some notification setting by defalut like notification Badges are enabled by default when application installed.
For example, the mentioned device are killed FCM when application killed so user to enable AutoStart from phone setting then only receive notification from FCM when application killed state but whats app and amazon are enable autostart by default, how can handle this issue in our application.
whats app and telegram enable some notification setting by defalut like notification Badges are enabled by default when application installed.
For example, the mentioned device are killed FCM when application killed so user to enable AutoStart from phone setting then only receive notification from FCM when application killed state but whats app and amazon are enable autostart by default, how can handle this issue in our application. <> #28
is there any update about that? I've had critical cases of having reminders in my app core but, it's not working inaccurate way, I'm redirecting users to set to disable allowing for background limiting but, it's a little confusing for some users
can't we have any solution to this?
can't we have any solution to this? <> #29
Just because of this reason apple seems better then google because they have full control on their eco system no one can do this kind of glitch with their software..... google has to ban or revoke these chinese manufacturers license to make android more stable in standardized.....
This problem is faced by several developers still google is not reacting on this
Attaching related reported issues
Hope google will come up with the solution or take action against the culprit.
This problem is faced by several developers still google is not reacting on this
Attaching related reported issues
Hope google will come up with the solution or take action against the culprit. <> #30
What Oppo did with Android 12 is horrible, WorkManager is not running properly, fcm data messages/notifications not processed, auto-start in the background heavily limited. So frustrating to have to tell users that they this can happen with Android phones. <> #31
Hello i have found a solution in my realme phone i went to battery ->app battery managment then i alllow background acitivty then allow auto launch then allow this app to launch other app service then it worked fine. <> #32
Hi, Any Solution for this??? I am also stuck on this. Except Vivo, Oppo , my apps working fine on other devices. If any one found solution please comment it out. <> #33
you should turn off battery for your app and turn on allow auto launch or auto start. <> #34
i have also fact this same issue. <> #35
go to this website how turn on auto start and battery optimization
Is this true when you have a Chinese phone?