Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for your detailed report!
We'll take a closer look and let you know if we have any updates.
We'll take a closer look and let you know if we have any updates. <> #3
We have just clarified the resumable upload protocol in our documentation here:
Note that this is slightly different from our previous protocol for resumable uploads. Please let us know if you are still having trouble following this new guide. Our apologies, but the general flow should be very similar to the previous definition.
Note that this is slightly different from our previous protocol for resumable uploads. Please let us know if you are still having trouble following this new guide. Our apologies, but the general flow should be very similar to the previous definition. <> #4
Thanks for the updated documentation. I've given it a go and resumable uploads now seem to be working fine. Thanks. <> #5
Picbackman recently released a version of their software that uses the new Photos API. About a month ago, I tried to upload a large number of photos and got messages from their app (similar to above, but sugar coated) that a quota was exceeded. When I asked them, they said that the API is technically still in developer preview and that all users of their product share a global request AND byte quota, not one determined per Oauth token. I'm not sure if this only holds for "partners" that haven't asked for a quota upgrade or for every developer currently. Hopefully, Google will clarify soon. <> #6
I get the Code: 8 Total_upload_bytes and UploadBytesPerDay after only 5GB of uploads? not only is it undocumented it seems to be excessively restrictive for writing a syncing tool. <> #7
I've hit the same bug. It isn't possible to push any written code to the public, until this bug is fixed.
"Quota exceeded for quota metric ' ' and limit 'UploadBytesPerDay' of service ' ' for consumer 'project_number:XXXXXXXXXXXX'."
Is there someone in the role to escalate this bug?
"Quota exceeded for quota metric '
Is there someone in the role to escalate this bug?
Thanks <> #8
Hi Google.
Could you kindly respond to this issue? It has now been raised for 6 weeks and has additional reports of the same issue from multiple developers but there is still no response from Google.
Could you kindly respond to this issue? It has now been raised for 6 weeks and has additional reports of the same issue from multiple developers but there is still no response from Google.
Thanks. <> #9
It‘s still a major blocker for my project. Hope a dev will address this behavior asap.
Thanks! <> #10
Google Photos is still unusable as a serious photo management solution because of such instability and limitations of their API... <> #11
Hi all,
Apologies. We've been doing some investigation internally and we've discovered an internal limit that has been misconfigured. We've increased this limit and it's been rolled out. We're looking at adding additional documentation for this as necessary in the future.
Please let us know if you're still hitting this limit with our change in the configurations.
Thank you for your patience!
Apologies. We've been doing some investigation internally and we've discovered an internal limit that has been misconfigured. We've increased this limit and it's been rolled out. We're looking at adding additional documentation for this as necessary in the future.
Please let us know if you're still hitting this limit with our change in the configurations.
Thank you for your patience! <> #12
Seems to be working fine for me now. Thanks! <> #13
Works! Thanks, too! <> #14
Thanks for the fix, but with respect, why did it take almost two months to get even _recognition_ that the bug report was even seen by Google staff? This place is a black hole where bug reports go to be ignored.... so why would any developer spend their time on making products for Google users?
I'm happy that you fixed this bug, but frankly, I won't spend energy on making things to help your users until you demonstrate that you care. Two months to acknowledge a major problem is "not caring".
I'm happy that you fixed this bug, but frankly, I won't spend energy on making things to help your users until you demonstrate that you care. Two months to acknowledge a major problem is "not caring". <> #15
I did email this issue to partner support and then it was solved in less than 24 hours. Likely it just did not show up for the right people before that, it happens. <> #16
I'll mark this issue as fixed, as the underlying issue has been addressed. (This was a bit more complicated than it might appear here.)
We read every issue, feature request and feedback that gets filed here on this issue tracker and on StackOverflow.
If you are part of the Google Photos partner program, there are also other avenues to get support.
We read every issue, feature request and feedback that gets filed here on this issue tracker and on StackOverflow.
If you are part of the Google Photos partner program, there are also other avenues to get support. <> #17
If you are seeing this issue again, you can respond here or file a new issue. <> #18
I havre the issue when trying to upload from Lightroom with the photo upload plugin.
Message about RESOUCE_EXHAUSTED and quota exceeded. I only uploaded 70 photos yesterday.
I havre the issue when trying to upload from Lightroom with the photo upload plugin.
Message about RESOUCE_EXHAUSTED and quota exceeded. I only uploaded 70 photos yesterday.
Apiscallsperprojectperday. <> #19
How do I fix this. I'm experiencing the same issue.
Photo uploads have started to fail with the message:
"Insufficient tokens for quota "
I can find no mention of any kind of byte-upload limit on the Google Photos page quota page:
nor anywhere on Google, nor anywhere on the Internet, except for a similar report a few hours ago on Stack Overflow:
I'd appreciate it if someone could shed light on this. Thanks.