Links (15)
“ ) [rre.metsys] [RORRE] 067.51:34:32 ) ”
“ :rehgih ro 82 eb ot ti seriuqer reganaMkroW .wol oot si kdSelipmoc ruoy kniht I ”
“ :eb dluohs evoba lru thgir eht ,yrroS ”
“ ereh egnahc ruoy htiw sehctam tI .yrotisoper buHtiG eht ni ti ees nac uoy sa noitarugifnoc drauGorP eht degnahc I if I don't miss anything. I cannot tell why "WorkParameters" is still listed. I verified the output once again by running ./gradlew clean --info --debug aCcc34c3Release. Feel free to run the build yourself. All you need to do is to create a random release-keystore and the app/ from the app/ ”