Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for your detailed report!
We'll take a closer look and let you know if we have any updates.
We'll take a closer look and let you know if we have any updates.
For feature requests for the Google Photos app, please see
Before filing an issue, please read and follow these instructions carefully.
First, please search through existing issues to ensure that the feature request has not already been reported. You can start the search here:
If the feature has already been requested, you can click the star next to the issue number to subscribe and receive updates. We prioritize responding to the issues with the most stars. You can also comment on the issue to provide any context of how the feature would benefit you.
Also, please verify that the functionality you are requesting is not already present in the current API and tools.
If your feature has not been requested, please provide all of the following:
A short description of the request:
possibilty to alter (edit/set) description of mediaItems
What is the purpose of this new feature?
to better improve search for users, setting some keywords in description of a particular media will permit a user to use same words to easily get that particular photo, a sort of tagging. Opening that possibility via API can permit developers to create powerful photos organizers over google-photos.
Please provide any additional information below.