Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue.
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So, please provide the following additional information:
Steps to reproduce
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Expected output
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Current output
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We are not able to reproduce the issue.
So, please provide the following additional information:
Steps to reproduce
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Please explain the reproduction steps in detail.
Expected output
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Current output
Could you please explain the current behavior. <> #3
It looks like you've set the animator duration multiplier to 0 on your device. You'll need to change it (via developer settings or adb) for it to work:
adb shell
settings put global animator_duration_scale 10.0
adb shell
settings put global animator_duration_scale 10.0 <> #4
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have shared this with our product and engineering team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available. <> #5
Fixed in 1.1.0-alpha02 version of Transition lib.
Version used: 28.0.0
Theme used: Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Nexus 6 running API 27
If we set a Propagation (Tested only for SidePropagation) on a support transition which has a start delay, then the propagation isn't respected when animating the views out (but is when animating the views in).This is in contrast to the native implementation of this feature, where it works correctly when animating in, or out with a start delay.
- Relevant code to trigger the issue.
//support transitions propagation = new;
propagation.setSide(Gravity.END); propagatedTransition = new;
//Using a start delay causes the support version to not propagate the transition when animating out
propagatedTransition.setPropagation(propagation);, propagatedTransition);
- A screenrecord or screenshots showing the issue (if UI related).
Attached is a screen record of it. I've also attached a sample project. Simply tap the green (native - working) box to trigger the transition using the native Transition API, and the red (support - broken) box to trigger the transition using the support Transition API. You may want to make the transition longer and change the propagation speed to make it more obvious (e.g. 0.1f propagation speed)