Status Update
Comments <> #2
Seems to be a DNS problem with systems that have 'obtain DNS server address automatically'. Changed my system to a manual setting and the browser etc now work. SDK 2.2 didn't seem to mind the auto setting though. <> <> #3
Could you please describe how/where you changed your system to a manual setting? <> #4
Based on its date, this issue was originally reported before Android 2.3. Because of the many changes that existed in Android 4.x compared to previous versions, it's very likely that this issue doesn't exist in recent versions of Android like 4.2.2 or newer. Because of the high likelihood that this issue is obsolete, it is getting closed automatically by a script, without a human looking at it in detail. If the issue still exists on a Nexus 4 or Nexus 7 running Android 4.2.2 and is not related to Google applications, please open a new report accordingly.
Version used: 1.1.0-alpha02
We have postponeEnterTransition() to mark that a fragment transition should be postponed, but you usually have to do something like the following to ensure that we don't sit there postponed forever:
var postponed = false
override fun postponeEnterTransition() {
postponed = true
override fun onStart() {
if (postponed && !startedTransition) {
// We're postponed and haven't started a transition yet, we'll delay for a max of 2000ms
view?.postDelayed(::scheduleStartPostponedTransitions, 2000)
It would be nice if isPostponed() was made public rather than relying on my flag.