Status Update
Comments <> #3
[Comment deleted] <> #4
Wouldn't it be possible to use javascript just by going
print '<script> (script here) </script>'
so long as the ContentType header outputted is HTML?
print '<script> (script here) </script>'
so long as the ContentType header outputted is HTML? <> #6
I'd be interested to hear about something like Aptana, but seems like print '<script>
(script here) </script>' should do all you need.
(script here) </script>' should do all you need. <> #7
Please add server-side Java as a runtime for Google AppEngine.
Rhino (javascript on java) would be a great solution!
Rhino (javascript on java) would be a great solution! <> #8
This issue is entirely about a javascript runtime on the server (if Aptana helps you
visualise that fair enough).
visualise that fair enough). <> #9
JavaScript is a lot better designed than PHP. Google could change the fate of
JavaScript and JavaScript developers by porting GAE to Rhino -- and it would rock!
Vote for Rhino!
JavaScript and JavaScript developers by porting GAE to Rhino -- and it would rock!
Vote for Rhino!
Problem you have encountered:
There is inconsistency between documentation and validation of appengine-web.xml on whether <min-instances> can be set to 0 for <automatic-scaling>.
In appengine-web-xml reference (
"Specify a value from 0 to 1000. You can set the parameter to the value 0 to allow scaling to 0 instances to lower costs when no requests are being served. Note that you are charged for the number of instances specified whether they are receiving traffic or not."
In eclipse, validation fails when trying to set <min-instances> to 0 with the following error message:
Multiple annotations found at this line:
- cvc-type.3.1.3: The value '0' of element 'min-instances' is not valid.
- cvc-minInclusive-valid: Value '0' is not facet-valid with respect to minInclusive '1' for type
What you expected to happen:
Either one should be able to set <min-instances> to 0, or the documentation should not imply this is possible.
Steps to reproduce:
In Eclipse xml editor, add the following to appengine-web.xml and save the file:
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):