Status Update
Comments <> #2
We have shared this feature request to the Engineering team. Please keep an eye on this thread for any further update
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #3
Would like to see the following metrics in addition to what is listed at kubernetes metrics[1].
based on
- state: current phase that a pod is in(status.phase). One of Pending, Running, Succeeded, Failed, or Unkown.
- condition: current condition that a pod is in. This would need to be some combination of status.conditions.status and status.conditions.type.[PodScheduled|Ready|Initialized|Unschedulable|ContainersReady]
Based on
- size: current number of replicas(status.currentReplicas)
- desiredSize: desired number of replicas(status.desiredReplicas)
Would like to see the following metrics in addition to what is listed at kubernetes metrics[1].
based on
- state: current phase that a pod is in(status.phase). One of Pending, Running, Succeeded, Failed, or Unkown.
- condition: current condition that a pod is in. This would need to be some combination of status.conditions.status and status.conditions.type.[PodScheduled|Ready|Initialized|Unschedulable|ContainersReady]
Based on
- size: current number of replicas(status.currentReplicas)
- desiredSize: desired number of replicas(status.desiredReplicas)