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“ :eeS .oper eht fo daeh eht ni si tahw naht tnereffid si ()bDdepparWteg rof detsap uoy edoc fo teppins ehT .gnibircsed tsuj era uoy noitautis eht rof xif a niatnoc dluohs hcihw 1.0.2:krowemarf-etilqs:etilqs.xdiordna gnisu ton si 0.1.2 mooR ekil skool tI ”
“ ni egakcap eht dnif t'nac I ,revewoH .OMI xif reporp a si sihT . There I found only 2.0.0. Where else should I look? Also, the latest room 2.1.0-alpha4 does not include this version as well. ”
“ ot ti edam reven 1.0.2:krowemarf-etilqs smees tI , we'll release it soon along with Room 2.1.0-alpha05 which should correctly depend on it. Sorry for the inconvenience. ”
“ :ti ni tset eht yllacificeps dna hctap siht eeS ”