Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for your suggestion! We are currently evaluating this request, but do not have any plans to implement it at the moment. Please star to add your vote and receive further updates, and feel free to add any comments to discuss your use case. <> #3
I've transitioned from this team. Thanks!
With the static API, it is possible to set the map type to `terrain`, which turns on rendering for slope shading and - at zoom levels 13-15 - elevation contour lines. I would like to be able to control the styling of these features in a similar way as we can control the styling of roads. For example: elevation contour line color/weight/visibility, elevation contour line label color/size/visibility, slope shading color/visibility. Currently, as there is no control over this, contour lines are only visible on maps with light colored terrain styling.
It would also be nice to be able to control the elevation step for contour lines (i.e. how many feet of elevation change between major/minor contour lines), as well as allowing them to be rendered at more zoom levels.
Implementing these features would allow us to use the static API to generate styled topographical maps, useful for (for example) hikers, or for use as decorative maps.