Status Update
Comments <> #2
Please note that feature requests do not have any ETAs associated to them nor any guarantee that they will be implemented. Any further updates about this feature request will happen here. <> #3
There are a number of ways this can be accomplished. I wrote a simple Cloud Function in Node that uses the npm Sharp library. Images are stored in a Cloud Storage bucket and resized on the fly. Cache control is used to limit resource usage. Unless the original images are particularly large, this seems to work reasonably quickly (100-200ms for a non-cached request). Performance could be further improved by saving resized images in Cloud Storage bucket.
I previously developed a image service on AWS where requests went directly to the S3 bucket. If no image was found, the request would be redirected to a Lambda function, which would generate the image, save it to S3, and return it to the browser. Sadly, GCP Cloud Storage buckets don't have a mechanism for server-side redirects when a 404 error is encountered.
I previously developed a image service on AWS where requests went directly to the S3 bucket. If no image was found, the request would be redirected to a Lambda function, which would generate the image, save it to S3, and return it to the browser. Sadly, GCP Cloud Storage buckets don't have a mechanism for server-side redirects when a 404 error is encountered. <> #4
I think it's really important that Google takes action here. This is a standard feature on competitor CDN platforms like Vercel. <> <> <> #5
this is pretty crucial <> <> #6
Thanks for reporting the issue. This has been forwarded to the Engineering Team so that they may evaluate it. Please note that there are no ETAs for this issue. All communication regarding this issue is to be done here. <> <> <> #7
Feel like I'm witnessing a game of hot potato played out in extremely slow motion. <> #8
Being waiting for this for years. <> #9
same here, come on google <> #10
I'm curious if this is the right place to get this prioritized. Would we have better luck pushing for resourcing if we asked on one one of the cloud forums and got more user votes? Would really love to see this feature as opposed to using something external :) <> #11
This is kinda embarrassing since almost every other cloud provider, big and small have this feature
The request could be either implementing an Image Service as part of GCP products or to add these functionalities to the current Google Cloud Storage client library.