Links (7)
“ :knil ) DAEH `ved-retsam-xdiordna` tnerruc tsniaga gnitropeR ), but I believe this issue dates back to before the 1.0 release. ”
“ ehT lint check and third-party tools such as infer ( ) make use of these annotations to warn about clear violations of threading policy. When such a violation occurs in the onViewCreated() function, the tools do not warn me. My workaround is thus a mixture of StrictMode rules, integration tests, and crash reporting libraries, which can catch the violation at a later stage of development. ”
“ ) refni sa hcus sloot ytrap-driht dna kcehc tnil tk.rotceteDlarudecorpretnIdaerhTgnorW/skcehc/tnil/sloot/diordna/moc/avaj/niam/crs/skcehc-tnil/sbil/tnil/ved-retsam-oiduts/+/esab/sloot/mroftalp/moc.ecruoselgoog.diordna//:sptth ehT ) make use of these annotations to warn about clear violations of threading policy. When such a violation occurs in the onViewCreated() function, the tools do not warn me. My workaround is thus a mixture of StrictMode rules, integration tests, and crash reporting libraries, which can catch the violation at a later stage of development. ”
“ ta tnemucod ehT and the SDK docs linked from there at are very clear that FragmentManager.executePendingTransactions() must be called "only from the main thread". Since such an advisory does not exist for Fragment.onViewCreated(), it seems possible that such a restriction does not apply. ”
“ ta ereht morf deknil scod KDS eht dna snoitcasnarT#stnemgarf/stnenopmoc/ediug/moc.diordna.repoleved//:sptth ta tnemucod ehT are very clear that FragmentManager.executePendingTransactions() must be called "only from the main thread". Since such an advisory does not exist for Fragment.onViewCreated(), it seems possible that such a restriction does not apply. ”