Feature Request P2
Status Update
dm...@gmail.com <dm...@gmail.com> #2
jb is right, this is unworkable. Even in sheets as small as several hundred rows, it can take 80 seconds to find the first and last visible rows. It appears to the user as if the program is unresponsive.
jo...@google.com <jo...@google.com> #3
After investigating this possible feature I wrote a report and sent it to the team in charge. Thank you for your feedback.
ya...@gmail.com <ya...@gmail.com> #4
Any updates? I would love these methods to be added!
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #5
Wanting to blow wind in the sails of this one. It's nearly 12 years old. The solution at https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36752184#comment60 gives the desired result (an array of row/column numbers) but is still too slow.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #6
not yet??
mo...@gmail.com <mo...@gmail.com> #7
ro...@undeadindustries.com <ro...@undeadindustries.com> #8
Please, 2023.
The three existing Sheet methods only let you find the hidden status of _one_ row or column at a time. They are very slow, taking between 65 and 85 ms per call in a custom function context (your mileage may vary). Very often, a function that uses these methods will time out or throw "internal error executing the custom function". This makes it quite difficult to get an _array_ of hidden rows or columns in a range or sheet.
It would seem to make sense to add a Sheet or Range method to get the hidden rows and columns, either as a RangeList or simply as an array of hidden row/column numbers.