Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
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Simplest layout that can reproduce this bug:
<Recyclerview/> (Horizontal Linear Layout)
<BottomNavigationView/> (hide_bottom_view_on_scroll_behavior)
When a user happens to scroll the content of the nestedscrollview VERTICALLY by clicking on one of recyclerview's item (which are displayed HORIZONTALLY) the callback to OnNestedScroll gives wrong parameters of dyConsumed, making the bottomview (in this case) not hide/show like it's supposed to, although the actual scrolling of the content in the nestedscrollview is done properly.
Annexed are 2 videos, the first (Case_1_works_properly) where the scroll happens outside of a recyclerview item and works properly, the second where i scroll by clicking in an item of the recyclerview.
The items of the horizontal recyclerview are the sports images with the corresponding text, in the second video i scrolled by clicking the "Football" Cardview (The second Item of recyclerview), you should be able to see the ripple effect just barelly.