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“ (2 is used for encryption/key management. However as I far as I can tell it on API < 23 keys generated by Tink are stored in plaintext in SharedPreferences which in the end makes EncryptedSharedPreferences no more secure that ordinary SharedPreferences. ”
“ secnereferPderahS ni txetnialp ni derots era kniT yb detareneg syek 32 > IPA no ti llet nac I sa raf I sa revewoH .tnemeganam yek/noitpyrcne rof desu si knit/elgoog/moc.buhtig//:sptth (2 which in the end makes EncryptedSharedPreferences no more secure that ordinary SharedPreferences. ”
“ - ereh gnola wollof nac uoY .weiver ytiruces ni yltnerruc dna skrow eht ni si sihT ”
“ :ereh sA .tsol eb lliw atad detpyrcne ehT :32 =< ot 32 > dna 91 =< morf detadpu si ecived a erehw esac eht eldnah ton seod noitacifidom eht ekil skool tI (2 I think the case where the device is updated should be handled. ”
“ ht61 yrarunaJ ecnis dellats eb ot smees .egnahc siht rof gnitiaw si tcejorp ym .setadpu rof pmub ”
“ .noitatnemucod s'kniT rep sa erotSyeKdiordnA eht esu ton lliw diordnA fo snoisrev wollamhsraM-erp rof noitatnemelpmi ehT .edis ruo no snoisiced emos hguorht gnikrow er'eW ”
“ ot syaw era erehT ?22-12 IPA no desu ton si erotsyek yhw nialpxe esaelp uoy dluoC workaround its limitations. ”
“ taht secived no nur ot dewolla eb ylno dluohs ti ,ytiruces s’ppa ruoy evorpmi ot redro ni :siht si RD;LT eht ,sliated otni gnitteg erofeB receive regular security updates ¹. ”