Status Update
Comments <> #2
We use build flavours heavily with a lot of common code. The refactoring support in AS is really good but it continually catches us out when it doesn't work across all flavours in a project. It's a big gap for serious product development. <> #3
We at my company need this same feature. We have a lot of white labels and need refactor the same class across flavours. :(
AI-183.6156.11.34.5522156, JRE 1.8.0_152-release-1343-b01x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Mac OS X(x86_64) v10.14.5, screens 1680x1050; Retina
Android Gradle Plugin: 3.4.1
Gradle: 5.1.1
NDK: from (not specified); latest from SDK: (not found);
LLDB: pinned revision 3.1 not found; latest from SDK: (package not found);
CMake: from (not specified); latest from SDK: (not found); from PATH: (not found);
IMPORTANT: Please read
Using VoiceOver (The screenreader for MacOS) is impossible to read the console output list describing the errors and warnings after building operation.