Status Update
Comments <> #3
Thank you for the quick fix.
Is there an ETA for the next release?
Is there an ETA for the next release? <> #4
2.2.0-rc01 should be out this week. <> #5
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit a1957df3709a06f4e6482fb0e4d39ded4f230a70
Author: Rahul Ravikumar <>
Date: Mon Jul 29 09:48:05 2019
Workaround NPE in PersistableBundle.getExtras().
Test: Existing unit tests pass. Ran integration test app.
Fixes: b/138441699
Change-Id: I0b48e0009a7d83c343a3d26112b94c057470c281
M work/workmanager/src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit a1957df3709a06f4e6482fb0e4d39ded4f230a70
Author: Rahul Ravikumar <>
Date: Mon Jul 29 09:48:05 2019
Workaround NPE in PersistableBundle.getExtras().
Test: Existing unit tests pass. Ran integration test app.
Change-Id: I0b48e0009a7d83c343a3d26112b94c057470c281
M work/workmanager/src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/ <> #6 <> #7
That is expected. APPEND_OR_REPLACE
is only applied during enqueue. It does not change the semantics of a chain of requests.
Version used: 2.0.1
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: 25
I have a work "queue" defined by some string(`uniqueWorkName`) where I schedule different types of workers with netowrk constraints using `enqueueUniqueWork` and `ExistingPolicy.APPEND`.
Some of the workers may get cancelled before they run(no internet and user canceled the request during this thime). After I cancel ANY worker in the "queue", I am no longer able to submit any work there since everything after this gets marked CANCELED immideately on enqueuing.
Judgingby the code in `EnqueueRunnable.enqueueWorkWithPrerequisites` it is intended behaviour, but it shouldn't be. Why is CANCELING(not FAIL'ing) some of the work in the unique chain of work cancels the rest of them? It should only do so on FAILED jobs!