Mentioned issues (40)
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“ morf piz. eht morf ssalc.F.noitcasnart.2sd3epirts.diordna.epirts.moc gnilipmoc-eD b/135171107#9 clearly shows that the java class defined in the .class file does not match the file name: ”
“ ,31.0.0 noisrev 'diordnA 2sd3 epirtS' ycnedneped eht ni si hcihw) 2.3.9 epirts morf f.noitcasnart.2sd3epirts.diordna.epirts.moc rof elif ssalc lanigiro ehT ) does have the correct file name in the zip file. ”
“ smetsyselif evitisnes esac fo noinipo ym stneserper egap siht no rewsna pot eht ,tluafed yb noititrap evitisnesni-esac htiw emoc (swodniW dna SOcaM)smetsys gnitarepo nredom desu tsom eht ecnis noitautis dab yrev si yllaer siht tub ,ereht tcejorp ym gnivom dna noititrap evitisnes esac a gnitaerc si won noitulos laer ylno eht ,tcejorp ym htiw krow ot ti tnaw I fi yllaicepse ,dnuorakrow a si nigulp esaberif eht gnilbasid kniht t'nod I ,noitulos tnemyap rieht sa epirtS gnisu maet yna yb deretnuocne eb lliw eussi siht dna eussi lanretni eht wollof ro ees t'nac I , and now I have to repartition and create a new tiny partition for one project. ”
“ :daerht siht rep 6.3.9 noisrev ni eussi eht dexif evah ot mees yeht ,epirts gnidrageR ”
“ no eye na peek esaelP for the latest release info. ”
“ ta ekat esaelP , that version should have the fix mentioned in comment #24. ”