Status Update
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #2
Checking for bugs. Mobile isn't working properly
ve...@google.com <ve...@google.com>
ve...@google.com <ve...@google.com> #3
Thank you for reporting this request. Please provide following information which will help us to investigate this further,
* What is the desired behavior of the feature? (Be specific!)
* If relevant, why are current approaches or workarounds insufficient?
* If relevant, what new use cases will this feature will enable?
* What is the desired behavior of the feature? (Be specific!)
* If relevant, why are current approaches or workarounds insufficient?
* If relevant, what new use cases will this feature will enable?
pe...@gmail.com <pe...@gmail.com> #4
Can't call or text when you call from different phone it said restricted call
lb...@gmail.com <lb...@gmail.com> #5
* What is the desired behavior of the feature? (Be specific!)
Remove restrictions of max networks to be added in total via addNetworkSuggestions
* If relevant, why are current approaches or workarounds insufficient?
The current API of Q seems to only allow to add networks up to certain max value.
The workarounds are:
1. Use targetSdk that is lower and not use the API. Not good because it doesn't support newer Wifi network types, and won't be a possible solution when Google forces developers to have targetSdk Q or above.
2. Tell the user to install another app/s just to cover the networks that weren't added. That's just weird.
* If relevant, what new use cases will this feature will enable?
Suppose you have a backup file of all Wi-fi networks that need to be added to the device.
Removing the restrictions means that the file can be successfully scanned and used to add all of the networks configurations in it.
* What is the desired behavior of the feature? (Be specific!)
Remove restrictions of max networks to be added in total via addNetworkSuggestions
* If relevant, why are current approaches or workarounds insufficient?
The current API of Q seems to only allow to add networks up to certain max value.
The workarounds are:
1. Use targetSdk that is lower and not use the API. Not good because it doesn't support newer Wifi network types, and won't be a possible solution when Google forces developers to have targetSdk Q or above.
2. Tell the user to install another app/s just to cover the networks that weren't added. That's just weird.
* If relevant, what new use cases will this feature will enable?
Suppose you have a backup file of all Wi-fi networks that need to be added to the device.
Removing the restrictions means that the file can be successfully scanned and used to add all of the networks configurations in it.
ve...@google.com <ve...@google.com> #6
We have passed this to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.
ad...@google.com <ad...@google.com>
ad...@google.com <ad...@google.com> #7
The max number of suggestions of most devices are 1024 per app. That is a reasonable limit per app. Persisting suggestions, looking up suggestion networks in scan results, etc have a performance/resource impact on device. So, we have to limit this number of suggestions per app and cannot be unbounded.
Sometimes we might want to restore all backup networks of the device, and those can be a lot.
It shouldn't have a maximum number.