Mentioned issues (1)
AndroidX compilation failure: "cannot generate view binders: Stream closed" “ sa hcus sgub ycnerrucnoc ni gnitluser ,dliub lellarap a ni devlovni era sredaol ssalc elpitlum nehw citamelborp si edoc siht ,revewoH .(-gnirtS.gnal.avaj-maertSsAecruoseRteg#lmth.ssalC/gnal/avaj/ipa/scod/8/esavaj/moc.elcaro.scod//:sptth ees) (ecruoseRemos)maertSsAecruoseRteg.ssalc.ssalCemoS :mrof siht ni nettirw edoc ees ot ysae si tI |
Links (3)
“ ees) (ecruoseRemos)maertSsAecruoseRteg.ssalc.ssalCemoS :mrof siht ni nettirw edoc ees ot ysae si tI ). However, this code is problematic when multiple class loaders are involved in a parallel build, resulting in concurrency bugs such as Issue 120277395. ”
“ :gub a sah ()maertSsAecruoseRteg.redaoLssalCLRU noisrev neddirrevo sti neht ,redaoLssalCLRU a si redaol ssalc eht nehw tub ,efas ylbaborp si ()maertSsAsecruoseRteg.redaoLssalC fo noitatnemelpmi ehT . (The bug has some sample code that well explains the issue.) ”
“ :60ateb-0.0.1 reifiteJ ni gub siht dexif evah eW :etadpU and integrated Jetifer 1.0.0-beta06 into AGP 3.6.0-alpha10. ”