Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for the report. I will route this to the appropriate internal team and update this when I hear back from them.
No update yet.
Thanks for the report. I will route this to the appropriate internal team and update this when I hear back from them.
What you would like to accomplish:
Additional documentation to the serviceusage.batchEnable() API [1] to improve troubleshooting failures when enabling APIs.
How this might work:
-Including a list of commonly observed errors when using the batchEnable() API.
-Improving the error message associated with these (i.e an HTTP 403 should explicitly indicate that the caller does not have access to the specific API requested)
-Providing a list of known APIs that a given user can enable.
If applicable, reasons why alternative solutions are not sufficient:
As is, attempting to troubleshoot batchEnable() API activation failures (especially when activating multiple APIs at once) can generate a significant amount of toil due to the rather generic error message that users often get (such as a PERMISSION_DENIED error for HTTP 403s. Expanding upon this to include a message specifying which API the user was not able to enable would greatly assist with troubleshooting such issues).