Status Update
Comments <> #2
Hi Sunkesula, which coroutine scope did you use? <> <> <> #3
If you use a lifecycle scope then the operation is expected to automatically cancel upon the destroy of the lifecycle owner (e.g. activity lifecycle scope cancels upon activity destroyed by configuration changes).
You need a different scope (e.g. view model scope) to survive across activity lifecycles. Meanwhile, the CredentialManager api takes in an activity: please do not cache that activity into your view model to use view model scope as that can cause memory leak when the activity gets destroyed. Instead, you would want to dynamically get your activity from a callback at the time of the invocation. <> #4
Well, it doesn't help. Even worse. I changed scope to viewModelScope that is created within activity and problem is still there - all the dobbling stuff. If I pass biometry then it crashes with : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already resumed, but proposed with update CompletedExceptionally[androidx.credentials.exceptions.GetCredentialCancellationException: androidx.credentials.playservices.controllers.BeginSignIn.CredentialProviderBeginSignInController activity is cancelled by the user.] at kotlinx.coroutines.CancellableContinuationImpl.alreadyResumedError(CancellableContinuationImpl.kt:482)
"Android 9 only includes fingerprint integration for BiometricPrompt. However, integrated support for other biometric modalities are forthcoming." - is it forthcoming to Android 9 and above, or to Android 10 and above?
"On devices running P and above, this will show a system-provided authentication prompt, using a device's supported biometric (fingerprint, iris, face, etc)." - we tested this on Galaxy S10, S9, S8, all of which are currently on P and all of which has a system setting for iris / face id, and got a fingerprint dialog only with BiometricPrompt. So again, is iris/face supposed to work on Android 9 with this API? Or is the issue that Samsung's sensors are considered "weak biometrics" so they will never be supported by BiometricPrompt? Is there a strong biometrics device on the market (besides the upcoming Pixel 4) to which face support is coming with BiometricPrompt on Android 9?