Status Update
Comments <> #2
P.S. Actually we cannot running Instrumented Test when using NavigationUI.
When initialize the AppBarConfiguration, it will call the final method of NavGraph (findNode) and we cannot mock it.
When initialize the AppBarConfiguration, it will call the final method of NavGraph (findNode) and we cannot mock it. <> #3
I also ran into this today while trying to add a FragmentScenario test. Followed the testing documentation and arrived at the same place. AppBarConfiguration attempts to interact with NavGraph and crashes. <> #4
Yep, we should have a better testing story that doesn't depend on using mocks. <> #5
One and only solution is to use Mockito in Espresso tests. Which is actually is almost equal to no solution. We strictly do not use Mockito in our integrations tests running on devices because that is very fragile and causes huge amount of issues when using on different SDK versions. This makes Navigation lib no go for us.
So current situation:
- Navigation library is already released with stable API.
- API is created without test-ability in mind. Huge classes with large amount of public methods, no interfaces. Using such tools as Mockito is not a solution, but workaround for situations when API is not testable.
After 10 years of creating un-testable Android SDKs there was possibility to have clean slate opportunity. And here we go again. API released and needs to be maintained now. Please recognize this problem now and bump priority from lowest (P3) to something higher. Because until we won't have possibility to test our app navigation flows we can't use this library.
So current situation:
- Navigation library is already released with stable API.
- API is created without test-ability in mind. Huge classes with large amount of public methods, no interfaces. Using such tools as Mockito is not a solution, but workaround for situations when API is not testable.
After 10 years of creating un-testable Android SDKs there was possibility to have clean slate opportunity. And here we go again. API released and needs to be maintained now. Please recognize this problem now and bump priority from lowest (P3) to something higher. Because until we won't have possibility to test our app navigation flows we can't use this library. <> #6
We'll be releasing a dedicated navigation-testing
artifact in Navigation 2.3.0-alpha01
that provides additional testing specific APIs
This work includes:
Among other changes.
Version used: "2.2.0-alpha01"
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: API 27
When following this tutorial to test my fragment
However, due to limitations in the Android VM that we cannot mock final classes or final methods, the same test failed in instrumented test. (Sample project is attached)
Although we can break these limitation with using Mockk or dexmaker-mockito-inline and running test in API >= 28 devices, how to run instrumented test in older versions devices is still a problem.
Currently, instead of mocking the NavController and running tests in FragmentScenario, I just use an ActivityScenario with NavHostFragment and programmatically create NavGraph for testing.
Any better solutions here?
If this is a bug in the library, we would appreciate if you could attach:
- Sample project to trigger the issue.
- A screenrecord or screenshots showing the issue (if UI related).