Status Update
Comments <> #2
Nested scrolling works partially (as per http://b/122818889 ). Let's discuss if we need full support and if so make sure it works. <> #3
What is 'partially' exactly?
How do I see it?
What is 'partially' exactly?
How do I see it?
Thanks! <> #4
As of now:
- Nesting scroll views with a scroll direction perpendicular to the ViewPager2's orientation inside ViewPager2 works
- Nesting scroll views with a scroll direction parallel to the ViewPager2's orientation inside ViewPager2 does not work
- Nesting scroll views with a scroll direction perpendicular to the ViewPager2's orientation inside ViewPager2 works
- Nesting scroll views with a scroll direction parallel to the ViewPager2's orientation inside ViewPager2 does not work <> #5
Horizontal ViewPager2 not correctly working into a vertical RecyclerView
Set a setNestedScrollingEnabled to the RecyclerView into the ViewPager2 (across reflection) resolves the problem
Set a setNestedScrollingEnabled to the RecyclerView into the ViewPager2 (across reflection) resolves the problem <> #6, could you provide a sample app? I'd like to learn more about the circumstances that cause the problem; putting a clean ViewPager2 inside a clean RecyclerView seems to work fine, so there must be other factors involved.
Version used: "2.2.0-alpha01"
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: API 27
When following this tutorial to test my fragment
However, due to limitations in the Android VM that we cannot mock final classes or final methods, the same test failed in instrumented test. (Sample project is attached)
Although we can break these limitation with using Mockk or dexmaker-mockito-inline and running test in API >= 28 devices, how to run instrumented test in older versions devices is still a problem.
Currently, instead of mocking the NavController and running tests in FragmentScenario, I just use an ActivityScenario with NavHostFragment and programmatically create NavGraph for testing.
Any better solutions here?
If this is a bug in the library, we would appreciate if you could attach:
- Sample project to trigger the issue.
- A screenrecord or screenshots showing the issue (if UI related).