Status Update
Comments <> #2
I have informed our engineering team of this feature request. There is currently no ETA for its implementation.
A current workaround would be to check the returned "boundingPoly" [1] "vertices" for the returned "textAnnotations". If the calculated rectangle's heights > widths, than your image is sideways.
A current workaround would be to check the returned "boundingPoly" [1] "vertices" for the returned "textAnnotations". If the calculated rectangle's heights > widths, than your image is sideways.
This is regarding Analyzing Sentiment in Cloud Natural Language API tested English and Japanese texts.
For example, English text of “I won the gateball tournament.” shows the result of {"magnitude": 0, "score": 0} and Japanese text of “ゲートボール大会で優勝した” and “ゲートボール大会で優勝した !!” shows {"magnitude": 0, "score": 0} and {"magnitude": 0.1, "score": -0.1 }.
Suppose to say, there should be a positive meaning but, it can be also possible to learn “gateball” as a negative meaning in other side. Or It may be unclear in this respect.
If it is available, I want to know to what extent it categorize words for emotional analysis as much information as possible.
Steps to reproduce:
[Test Text : request.json]
{ "document":{"type":"PLAIN_TEXT", "content":"I won the gateball tournament." },"encodingType": "UTF8"}
>“I won the gateball tournament.” and “ゲートボール大会で優勝した”
>“I won the gateball tournament !!" and “ゲートボール大会で優勝した !!"
curl "
[Test Result]
>“I won the gateball tournament.” and “ゲートボール大会で優勝した”
"documentSentiment": {"magnitude": 0, "score": 0 },..."sentiment": {"magnitude": 0,"score": 0}
>“ゲートボール大会で優勝した !!"
"documentSentiment": {"magnitude": 0.1, "score": -0.1 },..."sentiment": {"magnitude": 0.1,"score": -0.1}
>“I won the gateball tournament !!"
"documentSentiment": {"magnitude": 0.1, "score": 0.1 },..."sentiment": {"magnitude": 0.1,"score": 0.1}
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
Referring following documents.