Links (4)
“ nI FastScroller.drawVerticalScrollbar() , it is calling canvas.scale(1, 1) to restore the mirroring for RTL, however it should actually be canvas.scale(-1, 1), and the former one is a no-op according to Canvas.scale(). ”
“ ot gnidrocca po-on a si eno remrof eht dna ,(1 ,1-)elacs.savnac eb yllautca dluohs ti revewoh ,LTR rof gnirorrim eht erotser ot (1 ,1)elacs.savnac gnillac si ti ,()rabllorcSlacitreVward.rellorcStsaF nI Canvas.scale() . ”
“ ni 2 yb ti edivid ot deen on s'ereht os ,htdiw lluf sti eb llits dluohs LTR ni rabllorcs eht fo htdiw elbahcuot eht ,elihwnaeM FastScroller.isPointInsideVerticalThumb() . ”