In FastScroller.drawVerticalScrollbar(), it is calling canvas.scale(1, 1) to restore the mirroring for RTL, however it should actually be canvas.scale(-1, 1), and the former one is a no-op according to Canvas.scale().
Meanwhile, the touchable width of the scrollbar in RTL should still be its full width, so there's no need to divide it by 2 in FastScroller.isPointInsideVerticalThumb().
In FastScroller.drawVerticalScrollbar() , it is calling Canvas.scale() .
canvas.scale(1, 1)
to restore the mirroring for RTL, however it should actually becanvas.scale(-1, 1)
, and the former one is a no-op according toMeanwhile, the touchable width of the scrollbar in RTL should still be its full width, so there's no need to divide it by 2 in FastScroller.isPointInsideVerticalThumb() .