Status Update
Comments <> #2
Would you be able to provide me with the documentation you are following or an example of the deployment script you are following? This would allow me to replicate your issue. <> #3
Sure this is the documentation for the Outputs working with the CLI deployment
I'm following the google-api-go-client for development and more specifically this package which, I believe, follows the API references defined
I'm guessing based on the api docs that Outputs just doesn't come back but it is from the CLI so my question is, is this a missing feature from the API or is the CLI doing some other call to retrieve those value?
I'm following the google-api-go-client for development and more specifically this package
I'm guessing based on the api docs that Outputs just doesn't come back but it is from the CLI so my question is, is this a missing feature from the API or is the CLI doing some other call to retrieve those value? <> #4
I am attempting to replicate but I am missing some information. Could you provide me with a detailed minimum steps required to replicate your issue.
Thank you for your patience.
I am attempting to replicate but I am missing some information. Could you provide me with a detailed minimum steps required to replicate your issue.
Thank you for your patience. <> #5 <> #6
Thank you very much for your patience and the walk through, I have successfully replicated your situation. I will forward it as a feature request to our deployment manager team. I am unable to give you guarantee or ETA on this feature request at this time. All future updates regarding this feature will be posted in this thread. feel free to share, star and comment the thread for updates and increased intrest.
Problem you have encountered:
When using the deploymentmanager package in google-api-go-client to deploy a deployment I do not get the outputs described in the deployment config returned as I would when deploying the config via cli tool. I've searched other objects (Resource, Operation) available, for possible "FinalProperties" none of which contain the outputs defined.
What you expected to happen:
A Key of `Output` would be available from the client on successful deployment.
Steps to reproduce:
Create a deployment containing outputs in the config from google-api-go-client
Let deployment complete successfully
Get the updated deployment object
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
When generating a Deployment config, we can request specific outputs be returned such as getting the public IP after a vm has been deployed.
- name: IPAddress
value: $(ref.vm.networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)
if you were to deploy this with the cli you would get a response with this `IPAddress` value populated.
`gcloud deployment-manager deployments create test --config config.yaml`
However, this isn't the case if deploying from the google-api-go-client. The outputs don't seem to be in any of the deploymentmanager-gen.go structs